CCOG for BA 234 archive revision 201704

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Effective Term:
Fall 2017 through Winter 2025

Course Number:
BA 234
Course Title:
International Marketing
Credit Hours:
Lecture Hours:
Lecture/Lab Hours:
Lab Hours:

Course Description

Covers nature and concepts of international marketing including techniques for identifying potential markets and assessing uncontrollable elements such as economic, political and sociocultural environmental factors. International marketing strategies related to product/service, pricing, promotion and distribution are examined. Audit available.

Intended Outcomes for the course

 Communicate effectively using basic international business vocabulary enabling them to successfully follow and engage in
higher-level international business courses.
Identify issues in marketing unique to the global business environment in order to facilitate employment in entry-level
positions in international trade and commerce.
Identify major governmental and non-governmental sources of information and import / export assistance and apply that
knowledge through development of marketing plans tied to global business activity and country-specific business conditions.
Develop basic workflow for international market planning and identify major components of a marketing plan such that they will
be able to participate in entry-level support activities in a marketing department of a globally oriented business.
Identify sources of information on cultural and business practice differences between countries enabling students to prepare
themselves to do business with foreign nationals from those countries or brief other business managers on proper protocols
for conducting business in those countries.
Use concepts of global marketing as outlined in Domain 2 of the NASBITE Certified Global Business Professional Practice
Delineation in order to respond to questions specific to the global business management knowledge portion of the
NASBITE Certified Global Business Professional exam.

Course Activities and Design

A combination of instructional methods to be selected by the instructor will be used to integrate a variety of topics related
 to import and export transactions.  Government publications and periodicals will be utilized to supply current information about
 the various subject areas comprising the course.  Information will be shared via speakers, field trips, group interaction, and
 instructor presentations.  Problem solving will be stressed.

Outcome Assessment Strategies

This is a graded class.  Evaluation procedures will vary among instructors but may be based on student performance on
examinations, reports, and research projects.  Evaluation procedures and techniques will be discussed during the first week
of class.