CCOG for BA 9706 archive revision 201403

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Effective Term:
Summer 2014 through Fall 2014

Course Number:
BA 9706
Course Title:
Income Tax Preparation: Advanced
Credit Hours:
Lecture Hours:
Lecture/Lab Hours:
Lab Hours:

Course Description

Provides comprehensive review of federal individual income tax law for return preparers and consultants. Includes update of changes in current law. Qualifies for CPE credit. Audit available.

Addendum to Course Description

Meets statutory continuing education requirements. Generally not
transferable to four-year institutions.
Students should consult the Business Division for a listing of
the approved text and supplemental materials. Current prices for
materials may be found at the PCC Bookstore.

Intended Outcomes for the course


Course Activities and Design

Instructional methods include class discussion, lecture,
problems, and case studies. This is a "hands on" course. Forms
and schedules will be stressed.

Outcome Assessment Strategies

At the beginning of the course, the instructor will detail the
methods used to evaluate student progress and the criteria for
assigning a course grade. The methods may include one or more of
the following tools: Examinations, quizzes, homework
assignments, research papers, small group problem solving of
questions arising from application of course concepts and
concerns to actual experience, and oral presentations. Pass/No
pass grading is allowed.
The following factors will influence the student's ability to
complete the defined outcomes: Motivation, attendance, speed of
mastering the subject matter, and timeliness of assignments.

Course Content (Themes, Concepts, Issues and Skills)

An understanding of Federal and State tax law updates as they relate to:

  1. Filing status, exemptions, dependents, tax computation.
  2. Other income, adjustments, credits, and exclusions from gross income.
  3. Itemized deductions and underpayment penalty.
  4. Pensions and annuities K-1's, rent and royalty income, depreciation.
  5. Trade or business expenses, depreciation, and self- employment tax.
  6. Realization and recognition of gains on sale and exchange of capital assets, sale of residence, and installment sales.
  7. Sale and exchange of business assets and capital loss carryover.
  8. Bad debts and losses, and character of gains and losses.
  9. Amended returns, extensions, alternative minimum tax, FICA on tip income, tax on premature IRA distributions, and earned income credit.

Related Instruction

Hours: 0

Bachelor's degree in Business Administration, Accounting, or
Finance acceptable. Three years recent experience in preparing
or auditing tax returns (per Oregon Administrative Rule 800-15-
005.5), current valid tax preparer or tax consultant, or licensed
CPA required. Two years prior teaching experience preferred.