CCOG for BI 145 archive revision 201403

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Effective Term:
Summer 2014 through Winter 2016

Course Number:
BI 145
Course Title:
Intro. to Fish and Wildlife Conservation and Management
Credit Hours:
Lecture Hours:
Lecture/Lab Hours:
Lab Hours:

Course Description

Covers the basic elements of wildlife population dynamics, biodiversity, the importance of habitat, legal and social aspects of wildlife management, human impacts on wildlife, and some management techniques. Includes wildlife examples from Oregon. Recommended: BI 101 or equivalent. Audit available.

Addendum to Course Description

To clarify the teaching of evolution and its place in the classroom, the Portland Community College Biology Departments stand by the following statements about what is science and how the theory of evolution is the major organizing theory in the discipline of the biological sciences.

·         Science is a fundamentally non-dogmatic and self-correcting investigatory process.  In science, a theory is not a guess, a dogma, nor a myth. The theories developed through scientific investigation are not decided in advance, but can be and often are modified and revised through observation and experimentation.

·         The theory of evolution meets the criteria of a scientific theory. In contrast, creation “science” is neither self-examining nor investigatory. Creation “science” is not considered a legitimate science, but a form of religious advocacy. This position is established by legal precedence (Webster v. New Lenox School District #122, 917 F. 2d 1004).

Biology instructors of Portland Community College will teach the theory of evolution not as absolute truth but as the most widely accepted scientific theory on the diversity of life.   We, the Biology Subject Area Curriculum Committee at Portland Community College, therefore stand with such organizations as the National Association of Biology Teachers in opposing the inclusion of pseudo-sciences in our scientific curricula.

Intended Outcomes for the course

Upon successful completion, students should be able to:

  • Articulate fundamental concepts in wildlife conservation and management.
  • Apply an understanding of basic ecological principles (the interconnectedness of organisms to each other and their environment) to environmental problems and sustainability issues.
  • Use scientific techniques in the lab and in the field to identify and characterize wildlife populations and ecosystems.
  • Use an understanding of historical and current perspectives on the human-wildlife relationship to effectively address wildlife issues.
  • Identify the primary international, national, and state agencies and scientific organizations, responsible for conservation and management of wildlife, and understand the role of private citizens in decision-making at all levels.
  • Make informed decisions by critically evaluating information sources.
  • Recognize common Pacific Northwest wildlife.

Outcome Assessment Strategies

Assessments may include a combination of three or more of the following:

  • Short quizzes: short answer, multiple choice, true/false, and matching.
  • One or two mid-terms and a final exam: may include essay questions.
  • Student project (group or solo) involving design of a small wildlife exercise, collection of data, and write-up in scientific paper format.
  • Wildlife scientific paper critiques or written wildlife issue analyses.
  • Other oral presentations or special projects.
  • Wildlife related laboratory and/or field experiences.

Course Content (Themes, Concepts, Issues and Skills)


Themes and wildlife concepts will include:

  • Historical relationships of humans and wildlife. 
  • History of wildlife in North America.
  • Biogeography.
  • Niche and habitat.
  • Biodiversity and introductory taxonomy.
  • Natural selection.
  • Wildlife ecology (e.g. life history strategies, predator/prey relationships).
  • Population dynamics (e.g. population structure, reproductive rates, etc).
  • Biotic communities.
  • The biology of rarity.
  • Introduced species: aliens and exotics.
  • Wildlife diseases.
  • Wildlife scientific literature and resources.
  • Federal wildlife agencies, international treaties, and laws.
  • State wildlife agencies and laws.
  • Role of non-governmental organizations in wildlife management.
  • Wildlife harvest.
  • Wildlife management techniques.
  • Animal damage management.
  • Wildlife and pollution.
  • Urban wildlife.
  • Oregon wildlife identification.
  • Wildlife case studies (from Oregon and elsewhere).
  • Wildlife economics and values.
  • Citizen role in managing public wildlife and habitat resources.


  • Read and comprehend scientific wildlife literature.
  • Interpretation of information and data.
  • Analyze information critically and present logically in written format.
  • Present and discuss facts and opinions regarding wildlife issues and stakeholders.
  • Apply the scientific method.
  • Understand the peer-review process.
  • Identify and correctly utilize commonly-used wildlife-related scientific field equipment.
  • Locate and utilize a variety of biological information sources.