CCOG for CAS 111W archive revision 201504

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Effective Term:
Fall 2015 through Summer 2021

Course Number:
CAS 111W
Course Title:
Beginning Website Design: WordPress
Credit Hours:
Lecture Hours:
Lecture/Lab Hours:
Lab Hours:

Course Description

Introduces the creation of sophisticated, dynamic, interactive and fully functional websites using WordPress, a Content Management System (CMS). Includes installing and modifying themes, creating efficient site navigation using menus and categories, organizing a site, enhancing a site with plugins and widgets, integrating a blog, and creating user functionality with user logins. Covers basic HTML and CSS and site planning. Recommended: placement into RD 115 and WR 115. Audit available.

Intended Outcomes for the course

Upon successful completion of this course, student will be able to:

  1. Use WordPress software to create personal and/or business websites following current professional and/or industry standards.
  2. Use basic HTML and CSS to edit content and modify formatting in a WordPress website.
  3. Understand the process of planning a website and incorporate site planning concepts in the design of a WordPress website.

Course Activities and Design

  • Completion of a functional multi-page web site using WordPress program.
  • Tests or quizzes

Outcome Assessment Strategies

Assessment will be based on completion of project(s) developed individually.

Assessment Strategies for each Outcome:

Outcome #1: Students will create a functional multi-page website using WordPress on a remote server. The site may include some or all of the following:

  • Categories & Tags
  • Plugins & Widgets
  • Pages
  • Site navigation using menus and Categories
  • Blog
  • User Login

Outcome #2: Students will use basic HTML to create and edit content on a WordPress site. Text editing may be done using the internal text editor in WordPress, or using an external text editor. Students will be assessed on the correct use of basic HTML tags. Students will modify existing themes using basic CSS. Students will be assessed on the correct use of CSS properties and attributes.

Outcome #3: Students will create a site plan for a WordPress site. They will choose the topic and design a wireframe, set site goals, identify target audience, and create a color scheme. Students will be assessed on the effectiveness of the plan in meeting a business need. Students will also be assessed on their effective use of navigation on the site to enhance usability.

Tests or quizzes

Course Content (Themes, Concepts, Issues and Skills)

  • WordPress program in a remote environment
  •  Installing and modifying templates
  • Managing site content using Categories and tags
  • Site navigation using menus and Categories
  • Installing and configuring plugins and widgets, including but not limited to:
    • Photo/video galleries
    • User login
  • Blog integration
  • Introduction to Search Engine Optimization (SEO) as it is accomplished in a WordPress website
    Other skills as time permits
  • Basic HTML and CSs
  • Site planning

Related Instruction

Hours: 15

Use WordPress software to create personal and/or business websites following current professional and/or industry standards.

Calculations involving screen resolution, the hex numbering system for colors, determining percentage width for tables and table cells, determining the length and width of an image, etc. Measuring placement on the screen in terms of pixels. In HTML and CSS assigning values to properties and variables.

Hours: 20

Use WordPress software to create personal and/or business websites following current professional and/or industry standards.

Students will communicate ideas and business topics through written content on a WordPress website developed and created by the student.  Students will be exposed to blog-form methods of communication using a WordPress website.

Human Relations
Hours: 15

Understand the process of planning a website and incorporate site planning concepts in the design of a WordPress website.

In campus classes, working in groups to develop skill in working with colleagues. In online classes, working cooperatively via discussion boards or other shared media. Communication with the instructor to develop skill in working with supervisors. Planning a WordPress website in a visual format to communicate with other website designers and developers and clients.