CCOG for DA 110B archive revision 202002

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Effective Term:
Spring 2020 through Summer 2024

Course Number:
DA 110B
Course Title:
Clinical Procedures IB Lecture
Credit Hours:
Lecture Hours:
Lecture/Lab Hours:
Lab Hours:

Course Description

Continues to explore the clinical aspects of dental assisting duties and responsibilities. Includes four-handed dentistry concepts, restorative procedures, nutrition, and oral health care for the dental patient.

Intended Outcomes for the course

Upon completion of the course students should be able to:

  • Describe the foundation of clinical dentistry including four-handed dentistry and moisture control.
  • Differentiate between topical general anesthesia and nitrous oxide/oxygen sedation as it relates to dentistry.
  • Differentiate between amalgam and composite armamentarium, instrumentation, and post-operative instructions.

  • Identify how nutrition relates to oral and general health.

Course Activities and Design

This course will be an online lecture format using D2L.  Activities will include one face-to-face class, interactive power point slides, online discussion board posts, online assignments, online quizzes and a final examination.

Outcome Assessment Strategies

  • Participation in online discussion postings
  • Online quizzes
  • Online examinations

Course Content (Themes, Concepts, Issues and Skills)


  • Dental Assisting Clinical Duties
  • Communication


  • Four Handed Dentistry
  • Moisture Control
  • Ergonomics
  • Oral Evacuation/Irrigation
  • Rubber Dam
  • Restorative vs Esthetic Dentistry
  • Cavity preparation
  • simple vs complex extractions
  • Restorative Instruments and Armamentaruim
  • Six Key Nutrients and Funtions
  • Dietary Allowances
  • Oral Care


  • Time Management
  • Organization


  • Identify four-handed dentistry techniques and ergonomic positioning
  • Identify effective moisture control techniques
  • Differentiate between restorative and esthetic dentistry
  • Identify restorative instruments
  • Differentiate the proper post-operative instructions for restorative procedures

Related Instruction

Hours: 3

  • Differentiate between local anesthesia, nitrous oxide/oxygen sedation and general anesthesia.
  • Identify how nutrition relates to oral and general health.

  • Discuss total amounts of nitrous/oxygen ratios a patient may receive during a procedure
  • Compute total amount of nitrous oxide given to a patient during a procedure
  • Complete a 3 day nutritional analysis and compute recommended daily allowances of key nutrients

Hours: 1

Identify how nutrition relates to oral and general health.

Through online discussion postings

Human Relations
Hours: 1

Differentiate between amalgam and composite armamentarium, instrumentation, and post-operative instructions.

Through online discussion postings using case studies in a team environment.