CCOG for DT 270 archive revision 202404

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Effective Term:
Fall 2024

Course Number:
DT 270
Course Title:
Inlay Casting, Crown and Bridge
Credit Hours:
Lecture Hours:
Lecture/Lab Hours:
Lab Hours:

Course Description

Introduces crown and bridge construction processes and techniques including preparation and waxing of dies, investing, casting, and finishing. Covers principles applied to dental inlays. Audit available.

Intended Outcomes for the course

Upon completion of the course students should be able to:

  • Classify, design, construct and determine the market value of a variety of cast fixed restorations.

Outcome Assessment Strategies

1. Demonstrate knowledge of oral structure relationships on written tests.
2. Identify preparations and processes used in cast restoration procedures on written quizzes and tests.
3. Prior to laboratory work, discuss construction and application of cast fixed restorations in class.
4. Calculate the cost of specific restorations.
5. Complete a term paper on a predetermined topic related to a laboratory process/product.

Course Content (Themes, Concepts, Issues and Skills)


1.   Define, describe and compare inlays, onlays and crowns according to design, purpose, materials, advantages/disadvantages, laboratory processes, costs and prognosis.                                                   2.   Discuss the philosophy and purposes of fixed prosthodontics.
3.   Describe the appropriate uses of fixed denture prosthodontics as a dental treatment.
4.   Discuss how oral conditions affect the success/failure of fixed prosthetic appliances.
5.   Discuss the use and design of dental inlays and onlays and the dental procedures associated with these  restorations.
6.   Discuss the purposes, designs and dental procedures associated with cast crowns and fixed bridges.
7.   Identify and compare a variety of impression and model materials and discuss the handling requirements of  each.
8.   Identify the correct mounting devices for a variety of crown and bridge cases.
9.   Demonstrate knowledge of materials and proper techniques by performing a wax-up procedure in the lab  (DT 204).
10. Describe spruing and investing of wax patterns as an integral part of crown and bridge fabrication.
11. Describe wax burnout and casting procedures prior to laboratory experience.
12. Identify a variety of casting errors and explain how to prevent or correct them.
13. Describe the processes and materials used to prepare the rough casting for placement in the oral cavity.
14. Identify soldering materials and describe the soldering processes in bridge construction.
15. Discuss oral structure, function and malfunctions as they relate to crown and bridge construction.
16. Discuss the use of dental resins in crown and bridge techniques and compare them to dental ceramics.


1.  Define, describe and compare inlays, onlays and crowns according to design, purpose, materials, advantages/disadvantages, laboratory processes, costs and prognosis.

2.  Discuss the philosophy and purposes of fixed prosthodontics.

3.  Describe the appropriate uses of fixed denture prosthodontics as a dental treatment.

4.  Discuss how oral conditions affect the success/failure of fixed prosthetic appliances.

5.  Discuss the use and design of dental inlays and onlays and the dental procedures associated with these restorations.

6.  Discuss the purposes, designs and dental procedures associated with cast crowns and fixed bridges.

7.  Identify and compare a variety of impression and model materials and discuss the handling requirements of  each.

8.   Identify the correct mounting devices for a variety of crown and bridge cases.

9.   Demonstrate knowledge of materials and proper techniques by performing a wax-up procedure in the lab

(DT 204).

10. Describe spruing and investing of wax patterns as an integral part of crown and bridge fabrication.

11. Describe wax burnout and casting procedures prior to laboratory experience.

12. Identify a variety of casting errors and explain how to prevent or correct them.

13. Describe the processes and materials used to prepare the rough casting for placement in the oral cavity.

14. Identify soldering materials and describe the soldering processes in bridge construction.

15. Discuss oral structure, function and malfunctions as they relate to crown and bridge construction.

16. Discuss the use of dental resins in crown and bridge techniques and compare them to dental ceramics.