CCOG for DT 272 archive revision 202404

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Effective Term:
Fall 2024

Course Number:
DT 272
Course Title:
Dental Ceramics
Credit Hours:
Lecture Hours:
Lecture/Lab Hours:
Lab Hours:

Course Description

Covers dental ceramics (porcelain), including the philosophy, structure, properties, uses, and laboratory procedures associated with this material. Audit available.

Intended Outcomes for the course

Upon completion of the course students should be able to:

  • Describe the purposes, uses, design considerations and techniques of using ceramics in dentistry.
  • Explain the sequence of steps in designing and fabricating crowns and bridgework with ceramic components.

Outcome Assessment Strategies

  • Weekly quizzes.
  • Three written exams.
  • Term paper 4. Attendance

Course Content (Themes, Concepts, Issues and Skills)

  • Veneer materials
  • History of dental ceramics
  • Understructure design
  • Space requirements
  • Design techniques
  • Metal cleaning and conditioning
  • Porcelain application procedures
  • Building tooth anatomy into the restoration
  • Bridge building procedures
  • Visual perception of tooth contour
  • Color: Matching tooth shades
  • Color measurement
  • Influence of light
  • Surface texture
  • Adjustments of color and creating illusions
  • Characterization
  • Porcelain jackets
  • All Ceramic Crowns
  • High strength veneering porcelains
  • Specialized bridge techniques
  • Attachments and semi-rigid connectors
  • Trouble-shooting

Skills and competencies:

  • Describe the chemistry, physical properties, uses in dentistry and advantages/disadvantages of ceramics.
  • Define and discuss porcelain as a type of ceramic.
  • Explain the purposes and uses of porcelain and resin veneer understructures in preparation for future lab projects.
  • Describe the process by which porcelain is fused to metal.
  • Identify the component parts of a porcelain oven and demonstrate the safe operation of the oven in the laboratory setting.
  • Describe and demonstrate the techniques used to apply porcelain to a metal framework.
  • Describe the philosophy and process of modifying porcelain shades, tones and color to create aesthetically pleasing and   individualized crowns.
  • Discuss post-firing (pre-glaze) procedures for the complete porcelain crown fabrication.
  • Describe, discuss and compare PFMs, all ceramic crowns and porcelain jacket crowns according to aesthetics, marginal integrity, brand differences, tooth preparation, strength and life expectancy.
  • Discuss alternative bridge design as compared to standard bridge design.
  • Describe and discuss the philosophy and purpose of Maryland, California and Virginia Bridge types according to preservation of tooth structure, reduction in time and cost, and reversibility of the procedure.