CCOG for ED 103 archive revision 201504

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Effective Term:
Fall 2015

Course Number:
ED 103
Course Title:
Desktop Publishing for Educators
Credit Hours:
Lecture Hours:
Lecture/Lab Hours:
Lab Hours:

Course Description

Introduces desk-top publishing. Produces materials to be used in an educational setting using flat-bed scanners, graphics sources, layout guidelines and design rules. Audit available.

Intended Outcomes for the course

Students will:

  • Plan and develop classroom materials using desktop publishing software
  • Demonstrate the use of design guidelines and graphic sources to produce effective documents that support instructional activities
  • Utilize peripheral devices such as scanners and other digital media sources (i.e., digital cameras, Web-based image sources, CD-ROM) to support document development
  • Evaluate and revise existing documents to enhance educational validity and accessibility for the end users

Outcome Assessment Strategies

Student’s progress will be evaluated by the following tools:

  • Completion of desktop publishing assignments according to explicitly-stated guidelines including, but not limited to, design specifications, spelling, sentence structure, and appropriate vocabulary level
  • Self-, peer- and instructor-assessment of completed materials based on accuracy, educational validity, and adherence to assignment guidelines
  • Participation in group and class discussions and presentations

·         Attendance

Course Content (Themes, Concepts, Issues and Skills)


Students will:

  • Using desktop publishing software, create documents that can be used in an instructional setting
  • Successfully scan images and save to rewritable media for use in desktop publishing projects
  • Successfully access other digital media sources, such as digital cameras and CD-ROM archives, and use the images in desktop publishing projects
  • Prepare and present written and oral evaluations of desktop publishing projects based on a combination of instructor- and student-developed guidelines.

In addition the students will demonstrate

COMMUNICATION: Graduates of Portland Community College should be able to communicate effectively by determining the purpose of communication; analyzing audience and context to sue appropriate language and modality; and by responding to feedback to achieve clarity, coherence, and effectiveness.

COMMUNITY AND ENVIRONMENTAL RESPONSIBILITY: Graduates of Portland Community College should be able to apply scientific, cultural, and political perspectives in understanding the natural and social world and in addressing the consequences of human activity both globally and locally, demonstrating an understanding of social change and social action.

CRITICAL THINKING AND PROBLEM SOLVING: Graduates of Portland Community College should be able to think critically and creatively to solve problems, understanding and using various methods of reasoning and evaluating information and it sources.

CULTURE AWARENESS: Graduates of Portland Community College should be able to demonstrate an understanding of the varieties of human cultures, perspectives, and forms of expressions as well as their own cultures complexities.

PROFESSIONAL COMPETENCE: Graduates of Portland Community College should demonstrate mastery in a discipline of profession at a level appropriate to program and transfer requirements through the application of concepts, skills, processes, and technology in the performance of authentic tasks that enhance community involvement and employability.

SELF-REFLECTION: Graduates of Portland Community College should be self-appraising in applying the knowledge and skills they have learned, examining and evaluating personal beliefs and comparing them with the beliefs of others.