CCOG for ED 123 archive revision 202301

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Effective Term:
Winter 2023 through Winter 2025

Course Number:
ED 123
Course Title:
Instructional Strategies: Reading
Credit Hours:
Lecture Hours:
Lecture/Lab Hours:
Lab Hours:

Course Description

Explores components of the reading process and techniques for teaching reading to kindergarten through grade 12 students using an equity lens. Includes assessment and methods for teaching students with special needs and students from diverse backgrounds. Audit available.

Intended Outcomes for the course

Upon completion of the course students should be able to:

  • Apply current research-based literacy strategies in the context of gender, socioeconomic background, culture, and race/ethnicity to assist K-12 students in learning to read.
  • Examine current research-based assessment procedures to determine appropriate instructional level, monitor progress, and determine effectiveness of instruction in each of the above areas.

  • Evaluate assessment strategies and how they impact reading instruction through an equity lens.

Aspirational Goals

Educators with a strong background in literacy instruction can positively impact student learning and support student success in all content areas. Students in this course will create legacy assignments that can be used beyond this course, in future ED courses. Students will be encouraged to create assignments that draw on their strengths. Legacy assignments could include "how to videos" for future assignments, personal stories, power points, and illustrations of their learning. Students will be motivated to learn from other students.

Course Activities and Design

Each module has lecture, videos and articles. Students will engage via:

  1. Class discussions (Students discuss how to apply what was explored about reading topics in discussion boards) 

  2. Essays/presentations (Students discuss how the use of the reading strategies impact student learning and how to apply strategies to support students)

  3. Final Project (Application of topics/strategies/assessments) 


The following areas of literacy are explored: Science of Reading/Simple View of Reading Phonemic Awareness Phonics Fluency Vocabulary Comprehension

Outcome Assessment Strategies

The following assessments will be utilized: 

  1. Class discussions (discussion boards) 

  2. Essays (Application of strategies to support students)

  3. Final Project (Application of topics/strategies/assessments) 

The use of assessments will be embedded in each area.

Course Content (Themes, Concepts, Issues and Skills)

  1. Develop a working knowledge of reading strategies.

  2. Utilize research based assessments to support a culturally diverse student population.

  3. Describe how research based literacy instruction supports development through an equity lens.