CCOG for EET 101A archive revision 202303
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- Effective Term:
- Summer 2023 through Summer 2024
- Course Number:
- EET 101A
- Course Title:
- Electronic Lab Skills and Equipment 1
- Credit Hours:
- 1
- Lecture Hours:
- 0
- Lecture/Lab Hours:
- 0
- Lab Hours:
- 30
Course Description
Addendum to Course Description
The main purpose of this course is to help the student to successfully begin a new career path in electronics engineering technology.
Intended Outcomes for the course
Upon completion of the course students should be able to:
- Obtain voltage and current measurements with an oscilloscope and digital multimeter (DMM).
- Use spreadsheets to graph and analyze data obtained from electronic bench equipment.
- Demonstrate competency in proper soldering techniques in an electronic lab setting.
- Use circuit simulation and PCB layout software to test and build circuits.
Outcome Assessment Strategies
Assessment methods are to be determined by the instructor. Typically, in class exams, quizzes, homework assignments, class participation, and presentations will be used.
Course Content (Themes, Concepts, Issues and Skills)
- Introduction to the field of electronics technology. Examples of typical electronic engineering technician jobs. May include guest presenters and videos.
- An overview of PCC's Electronic Engineering Technology program. Relationship of supporting courses, including math, writing, and physics, to the program courses and to employment in the industry. Also the relationship to 4 year EET programs such as OIT.
- How to solve engineering problems, study, and take exams. May include guest presenters and videos.
- Scientific calculators and how to use them in the EET program.
- Introduction to the application of computer simulation in the EET program.
- Introduction to PCB layout tools.
- How to use word processor and spreadsheet software in the EET program.
- How to use other PCC study resources, such as the library, computer resources centers, tutors, the world wide web, and the local network.