CCOG for ENGR 101 archive revision 202404

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Effective Term:
Fall 2024 through Winter 2025

Course Number:
ENGR 101
Course Title:
Engineering Fundamentals
Credit Hours:
Lecture Hours:
Lecture/Lab Hours:
Lab Hours:

Course Description

Introduces basic engineering problem solving, analysis and design. Covers basic concepts of curve fitting, statistics, electricity, and mechanics, including vector algebra. Utilizes spreadsheet and computer programming applications as problem solving tools. Introduces non-technical aspects of engineering, such as registration laws and ethics. Labs may include group engineering project work. Audit available.

Intended Outcomes for the course

Upon successful completion of the course students should be able to:

  1. Utilize curve-fitting techniques for data representations and computation in engineering analysis.
  2. Solve engineering problems using basic principles of statistics.
  3. Solve statistics problems using basic principles of mechanics and vector algebra.
  4. Solve statistics and engineering problems using basic spreadsheet functions.
  5. Solve engineering problems using introductory programming.
  6. List engineering registration requirements.
  7. Describe how ethics apply to an engineering workplace.
  8. Describe how teamwork functions in an engineering workplace.

Outcome Assessment Strategies

Homework, exams, lab worksheets assignments and computer programs, oral and written project submittals.

Course Content (Themes, Concepts, Issues and Skills)

  1. Statistics and curve fitting are commonly used in engineering applications.
  2. Electric circuits consist of basic components and follow certain physical principles.
  3. Mechanical analysis utilizes vectors and follows "Newtonian" principles.
  4. Spreadsheets, computer programming, and computer operating systems are common engineering problem solving tools.
  5. The engineering professional has ethical standards.
  6. Engineering work involves group effort.

1. Curve fitting
A. Linear
B. Exponential
C. Logarithenic
2. Statistics
A. Mean
B. Mode and Median
C. Standard Duration
D. Normal Distribution
E. Regression Analysis
F. Coefficient of Correlation
G. Coefficient of Determination
3. Electricity
A. Ohms Law
B. Kirchoffs Law
C. DC current
D. Series Circuits
E. Parallel Circuits
F. Power
4. Mechanics
A. Forces
B. Moments
C. Equilibrium
D. Free body diagrams
E. Vectors
F. Unit vectors
G. Direction cosines
H. Dot products
I. Cross products
5. Laboratory
A. Hand-held Calculator Usage
B. Spreadsheet
C. Programming
6. Project
A. Components
B. Scheduling
C. Research
D. Group work
7. Non-Technical
A. Registration laws
B. Ethics
C. Academic and career planning
Competencies and skills:
The student will be able to:

  1. Apply basic curve fitting principles to solve engineering problems.
  2. Apply basic statistical concepts to engineering problems solving.
  3. Apply basic electrical principles to circuit analysis.
  4. Apply basic mechanics principles to statics analysis.
  5. Use spreadsheet and programming tools to present and solve engineering problems

Suggested Additional Course Materials:

  1. Engineering and altruism-How technical solutions can be applied to global problems regarding health, safe drinking water, and air pollution.
  2. Global impacts of technology-Acid rain, global warming, ozone depletion, water pollution.