CCOG for ENGR 212 archive revision 201403
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- Effective Term:
- Summer 2014 through Winter 2025
- Course Number:
- ENGR 212
- Course Title:
- Dynamics
- Credit Hours:
- 4
- Lecture Hours:
- 30
- Lecture/Lab Hours:
- 20
- Lab Hours:
- 0
Course Description
Intended Outcomes for the course
Upon successful completion of this course, the student will have satisfactorily accomplished the goals and objectives listed in this course content guide. Course content guides are developed by collegewide Subject Area Curriculum Committees and approved by management.
Course Activities and Design
Emphasis is on problem-solving using the methods and concepts of dynamics. Principles and techniques are presented through lectures and demonstrations. Students develop problem-solving skills during working sessions under the guidance of the instructor. Problems are assigned on a weekly basis for practice. Practical applications are made throughout
the course by introducing many typical engineering analysis and design problems.
Outcome Assessment Strategies
Student progress is measured by performance on homework and on examinations covering appropriate types of problems. Details will be provided by the instructor at the initial class meeting.
Course Content (Themes, Concepts, Issues and Skills)
1.0 Kinematics of particles
Instructional Goal:
To understand the principles and methods used in analyzing motion of a particle.
1.1.0 Define the differential equations of rectilinear motion and solve typical problems by integration to find position, velocity, acceleration or time.
1.2.0 Select the appropriate coordinate system and solve 2-dimensional and 3-dimensional curvilinear motion problems.
1.3.0 Solve relative motion problems using a translating reference frame.
2.0 kinetics of Particles
Instructional Goal:
To understand the principles and methods used in analyzing motion of a particle subjected to external forces.
2.1.0 Draw correct free-body diagrams and write equations expressing Newton's second law of motion for a particle.
2.2.0 Select the most appropriate method to solve kinetics problems based on what is given and what is required.
2.3.0 Solve problems dealing with conservative force fields.
2.4.0 Solve problems involving conservation of momentum, including impact.
3.0 Kinetics of systems of particles
Instructional Goal:
To understand the principles and methods applicable to the analysis of the motion of systems of particles subjected to external forces.
3.1.0 Apply kinetics relationships to systems of particles in curvilinear motion.
3.2.0 Solve problems involving both steady and variable mass systems.
3.3.0 Find the velocity and acceleration of the mass center of a system of particles using appropriate kinetics relationships.
4.0 Plane kinematics of rigid bodies
Instructional Goal: To understand the principles and methods which apply in analyzing plane motion of rigid bodies.
4.1.0 Define translation, rotation and general plane motion of rigid bodies in terms of kinematic variables and relationships.
4.2.0 Compare absolute motion versus relative motion methods of analyzing rigid body problems.
4.3.0 Determine velocities and accelerations at positions in simple mechanisms involving gears, sliders, cams, and various linkages.
4.4.0 Analyze problems dealing with motion relative to rotating axes.
4.5.0 Relate linear velocities and accelerations of points on a rigid body to its angular velocity and acceleration in plane motion.
5.0 Plane kinetics of rigid bodies
Instructional Goal: To understand the principles and methods used in problems dealingn with motion of rigid bodies subjected to external forces.
5.1.0 Construct accurate free-body diagrams and apply general equations of motion in solving rigid body kinetics problems.
5.2.0 Construct accurate active-force diagrams and use the work-energy method to solve appropriate types of problems.
5.3.0 Find forces in simple mechanisms involving gears, sliders
6.0 Computer applications
Instructional Goal: To integrate the use of the computer or programmable calculator into the solution of dynamics problems.
6.1.0 Demonstrate on selected homework assignments the ability to solve computer-oriented dynamics problems with a computer or
programmable calculator.