CCOG for ETC 112 archive revision 201801
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- Effective Term:
- Winter 2018
- Course Number:
- ETC 112
- Course Title:
- Communication Center Operations- Advanced Skills
- Credit Hours:
- 3
- Lecture Hours:
- 10
- Lecture/Lab Hours:
- 60
- Lab Hours:
- 0
Course Description
Intended Outcomes for the course
Upon successful completion students will be able to:
- Answer multiple emergency lines to screen calls for level of urgency and need for field response, using accurate terminology and appropriate data entry
- Disseminate appropriate information a timely manner according to industry-related policies, procedures and protocols.
- Utilize problem-solving skills while dealing with high-stress and potentially life-threatening situations.
- Navigate a variety of mapping systems to provide detailed location and routing information to responders and callers
- Apply call taking and dispatching knowledge and computer skills to function as an entry-level 911 dispatcher
Outcome Assessment Strategies
- Role-playing all aspects of the emergency reporting and response system. Special emphasis will be placed upon the communication between Dispatcher and Field Responders.
- Group and individual role-playing, discussion and critique of specific incidents and situations.
- Problem-solving activities involving high-stress and volatile situations.
- Locating and applying specific procedures and protocols to incidents in an appropriate manner.
- Written exams on all materials presented in class, both through lecture and demonstration.
- Written exams requiring use of resource materials available in the communications center.
Course Content (Themes, Concepts, Issues and Skills)
- CAD Systems
- Radio Procedures
- Responder Safety
- Community Safety
- Prioritizing Incidents
- Response Assignments
- Records Management
- Liability
Related Instruction
Hours: 6Outcomes:
- Answer multiple emergency lines to screen calls for level of urgency and need for field response, using accurate terminology and appropriate data entry
- Disseminate appropriate information a timely manner according to industry related policies, procedures and protocols.
- Navigate a variety of mapping systems to provide detailed location and routing information to responders and callers.
- Apply call taking and dispatching knowledge and computer skills to function as an entry level 911 dispatcher.
Content (Activities, Skills, Concepts, etc.): provide details or specifics
Students will:
- Direct instruction in map reading, plotting map grids, districting and CAD geo files.
- Plot routes from point to point, taking into account physical barriers, shortest route and fastest route.
- Analyze various timeframes on emergency response priorities.
- Prioritize response based upon life threat factors.
- Compute size of impacted area in hazardous materials events.
- Compute isolation distances for various types of hazardous materials.
- Determine type and amount of specialized equipment for large scale rescues, such as an aircraft crash.
Hours: 10Outcomes:
- Answer multiple emergency lines to screen calls for level of urgency and need for field response, using accurate terminology and appropriate data entry.
- Disseminate appropriate information a timely manner according to industry related policies, procedures and protocols.
- Utilize problem-solving skills while dealing with high-stress and potentially life threatening situations.
- Apply call taking and dispatching knowledge and computer skills to function as an entry level 911 dispatcher
Content (Activities, Skills, Concepts, etc.): provide details or specifics
Students will:
- Develop skill in relaying technical information verbatim.
- Learn to coordinate simultaneous conversations with responders on large scale events.
- Monitor and direct multiple units on the same response.
- Monitor and direct multiple units of separate, unrelated events.
- Keep ongoing status on all on duty responders.
Human Relations
Hours: 8Outcomes:
- Answer multiple emergency lines to screen calls for level of urgency and need for field response, using accurate terminology and appropriate data entry.
- Disseminate appropriate information a timely manner according to industry related policies, procedures and protocols.
- Utilize problem-solving skills while dealing with high-stress and potentially life threatening situations.
- Apply call taking and dispatching knowledge and computer skills to function as an entry level 911 dispatcher
Content (Activities, Skills, Concepts, etc.): provide details or specifics
Students will:
- Coordinate responses with all field units.
- Incorporate principles of “Chain of Command” in assisting field responders in successfully completing their assignments.
- Coordinate activities and assignments from Supervisors to Field Units and relay directions and requests.
- Work with responders as a team member, not as a separate entity.
- Respect the roles and responsibilities of the various emergency services disciplines.