CCOG for FMT 219 archive revision 201704
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- Effective Term:
- Fall 2017
- Course Number:
- FMT 219
- Course Title:
- Residential Systems Roofing
- Credit Hours:
- 3
- Lecture Hours:
- 30
- Lecture/Lab Hours:
- 0
- Lab Hours:
- 0
Course Description
Addendum to Course Description
Covers the engineering principles with regard to heat transmission. Application of load calculations for heating and cooling systems for residential and light commercial sites.
Intended Outcomes for the course
- Illustrate heat loss of a structure and how to calculate for comfort conditions.
- Demonstrate ability to apply the information supplied in the text to a load calculation form for equipment sizing and future duct sizing.
- Demonstrate ability to apply previously learned table and charts to calculate a heat loss for the previously instructed structure.
- Demonstrate knowledge of all factors which may affect equipment sizing and load calculation for residential and light commercial applications anywhere in the United States.
Course Activities and Design
This class is conducted in a lecture-discussion format and includes application of previously learned factors concerning heat/cool physics and mathematics to aid in the selection of equipment.
Outcome Assessment Strategies
Evaluation will be based on the following: reading assignments, written examinations, attendance, and participation. Evaluation procedures will be discussed the first week of class and the instructor's specific grading policy will be defined in a course handout.
Course Content (Themes, Concepts, Issues and Skills)
- Illustrate heat loss of a structure and how to calculate for comfort conditions.
- Demonstrate ability to apply the information supplied in the text to a load calculation form for equipment sizing and future duct sizing.
- Demonstrate ability to apply previously learned table and charts to calculate a heat loss for the previously instructed structure.
- Demonstrate knowledge of all factors which may affect equipment sizing and load calculation for residential and light commercial applications anywhere in the United States.