CCOG for FP 205 archive revision 202104
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- Effective Term:
- Fall 2021 through Winter 2025
- Course Number:
- FP 205
- Course Title:
- Management and Quality in the Fire Service
- Credit Hours:
- 3
- Lecture Hours:
- 30
- Lecture/Lab Hours:
- 0
- Lab Hours:
- 0
Course Description
Intended Outcomes for the course
Upon completion of the course students should be able to:
- Measure the effectiveness and quality of fire related services.
- Use knowledge of response times and other quality service indicators to ensure timely and effective delivery of emergency services.
- Effectively utilize costing and the competitive procurement process in emergency response agency.
- Create, apply, assess, and strategize solutions to positively improve work environment.
- Navigate the challenges of personnel management practices in recruitment, selection, promotion, transfers, and layoffs in relation to a culturally diverse and contemporary workforce.
- Communicate interpersonally, orally, and in writing to solve problems, increase teamwork, consult members, conduct evaluations, and reduce unsafe acts.
- Use a performance improvement system to construct a plan to set priorities for a member in need of assistance.
- Use an understanding of the employee assistance program to effectively work with employees.
Course Activities and Design
The material in this course will be presented in a lecture, demonstration, role playing, and discussion format. Other instructional method may include guest speakers, research papers, book and journal article reviews, written and oral reports and presentations, classroom simulations and video presentations.
Outcome Assessment Strategies
Methods of assessment may include one or more of the following:
- Various individual and/or group skill building activities such as role playing, scenario based problem solving activities, case studies, or other exercises geared toward critical analysis of course concepts.
- Written assignments or oral reports designed to integrate course material into personal experience or experiences of other.
- Quizzes and exams composed of objective questions and concepts.
- Individual and /or team projects/s which require integration, application, and critical examination of course concepts, issues, and themes.
Course Content (Themes, Concepts, Issues and Skills)
- Schedule tasks and responsibilities to unit members, given an assignment at an emergency incident, and under nonemergency conditions at a station or other work location, so that the instructions are complete, clear, and concise; safety considerations are addressed; and the desired outcomes are conveyed.
- Propose action for member related problems, given a member with a situation requiring assistance and the member assistance policies and procedures, so that the situation is identified and the actions taken are within the established policies and procedures.
- Apply human resource policies and procedures, given an administrative situation requiring action, so that policies and procedures are followed.
- Manage the completion of assigned tasks and projects by members, given a list of projects and tasks and the job requirements of subordinates, so that the assignments are prioritized, a plan for the completion of each assignment is developed, and members are assigned to specific tasks and both supervised during and held accountable for the completion of the assignments.
- Employ actions to maximize member performance and/or to correct unacceptable performance, given human resource policies and procedures, so that member and/or unit performance improves, or the issue is referred to the next level of supervision.
- Interpret the job performance of assigned members, given personnel records and evaluation forms, so each member’s performance is evaluated accurately and reported according to human resource policies and procedures.
- Devise a professional development plan for a member of the organization, given the requirements for promotion, so that the individual acquires the necessary knowledge, skills, and abilities to be eligible for the examination for the position.
- Measure effectiveness of resource deployment strategies comparative to local laws and rules
- Build an understanding of quality improvement plans and how to apply them to industry standards.
- Apply a competitive procurement process to resource management
- Build an understanding of how labor unions influence contract and procurement standards