CCOG for FT 280L archive revision 202004
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- Effective Term:
- Fall 2020 through Summer 2023
- Course Number:
- FT 280L
- Course Title:
- Exercise Science Leadership Experience
- Credit Hours:
- 1
- Lecture Hours:
- 0
- Lecture/Lab Hours:
- 0
- Lab Hours:
- 30
Course Description
Addendum to Course Description
Provides required exercise science leadership experience for Exercise Science majors.
Intended Outcomes for the course
Upon completion of the course students should be able to:
- Apply knowledge of exercise science when supporting student learning in lecture, lab, or mentoring settings.
- Create and/or deliver exercise science-related educational lectures, handouts, demonstrations, workshops, or events.
- Develop one-to-one and group communication, coaching, and mentoring skills in an educational job setting.
- Meet individual student learning objectives as mutually agreed upon by the student, employer, and instructor in advance of starting the leadership experience.
Outcome Assessment Strategies
Students will demonstrate and be evaluated on learning outcomes by:
- On-site evaluation by employer and instructor, including but not limited to, observations, written/verbal feedback, conferences, and a teaching/leadership skills observation checklist
- Special project evaluation by instructor using a method appropriate to the project
- End-of-term employer evaluation, including employer and student consultation
- Written journal of experience and hours by student, which shows consistent work during the agreed upon hours and performing the identified activities
Course Content (Themes, Concepts, Issues and Skills)
Concept and skill options below will be defined by individual student learning objectives and fulfilled in the exercise science leadership job experience:
- Identify areas for skill development
- Creating and presenting a special project
- Design and perform educational lectures, labs, or activities for groups and/or individuals
- Demonstrate skills related to on-the-job communication, cooperation, teamwork, and customer service
- Exhibit professional appearance, attitude, and behavior
- Demonstrate proper and safe use and care of lab equipment and marketing supplies
- Synthesize and organize information related to on-the-job topics
- Problem solve when unexpected classroom, participant, or equipment situations arise
- Gain on-the-job knowledge and experience in exercise science leadership
- Analyze self and reflect on own learning process