CCOG for GEO 240 archive revision 202104

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Effective Term:
Fall 2021 through Winter 2025

Course Number:
GEO 240
Course Title:
Cartographic Principles and Applications
Credit Hours:
Lecture Hours:
Lecture/Lab Hours:
Lab Hours:

Course Description

Explores basic cartographic design principles and how to apply them to produce high quality maps using GIS software. Introduces cartographic terminology, principles, and map-making tools. Covers visual representation and communication; how to turn geographic data into effective maps for print and the web; how to critique maps; map design and elements; and color, fonts, labels, and symbols for maps. Audit available.

Intended Outcomes for the course

Upon successful completion of the Cartography course, students will be able to: 

  • Apply cartographic principles, theory and styles to create effective maps using GIS software 
  • Critique maps based on cartographic and design principles 
  • Use an understanding of cartography to examine cultural and environmental issues 

Course Activities and Design

The materials in this course will be presented in a computer lab setting through classroom 
lecture, discussion, software demonstration, peer critique, and computer-based labs. 
Other methods may be implemented such as small group work and in-class activities. 

Outcome Assessment Strategies

Students will be expected to demonstrate mastery of themes, concepts, issues, 
competencies and skills by any combination of the following: 

  • Written results of class labs and exercises 
  • Participation in map critiques 
  • Completion of a final project
  • In-class discussions

Course Content (Themes, Concepts, Issues and Skills)

Themes, Concepts, Issues: 
 Map design & Layout 
 Types of Maps 
 Map colors 

 Map symbols 
 Map labels & fonts 
 Map generalization 
 Quantitative & Qualitative data 
Competencies and Skills: 
 Design & execute various styles and types of maps 
 Use appropriate symbols, colors, and labels for geographic data 
 Use GIS to implement Cartographic principles, theory, and styles 
 Create and display maps in various mediums (print, web, electronic)