CCOG for GER 213B archive revision 201604

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Effective Term:
Fall 2016 through Winter 2025

Course Number:
GER 213B
Course Title:
Intermediate German Conversation
Credit Hours:
Lecture Hours:
Lecture/Lab Hours:
Lab Hours:

Course Description

Stresses conversational skills at the second year level. Continues the work of GER 212B. Recommended: Completion of or simultaneous enrollment in GER 203 or instructor permission. Audit available.

Addendum to Course Description

GER 213B is a second-year level course designed for students who wish to improve their ability to converse in German. Students will have the opportunity to practice the structures and vocabulary they have worked with in their first- and second-year German courses. This is a three-credit transferable course, and it counts as an elective toward associate degrees.

Intended Outcomes for the course

The student:

  1. communicates using advanced interactions in predictable and non-predictable settings and uses more advanced vocabulary, the case systems, present tense, future tense and past tense forms
  2. applies language-learning skills to various real-life situations
  3. recognizes and continues to appreciate linguistic and cultural diversity within the German-speaking world

Course Activities and Design

Students are expected to attend all classes, participate actively in classroom activities, and prepare oral and written homework assignments. Students may meet with the teacher in conferences. After the introduction to the course, German will be used in the classroom at all times. Students should plan to spend two hours in preparation and practice outside of class for each class hour.

Outcome Assessment Strategies

Students may be assessed by any combination of the following:

  1. Active participation in class in the target language
  2. Short individual oral presentations
  3. Short frequent contextual written tasks
  4. In-class, interactive student role plays with a partner or in small groups
  5. Oral interviews with instructor

Course Content (Themes, Concepts, Issues and Skills)

Include all or some of the following:

  1. Multicultural Society
  2. Young and Old and Protecting the Environment
  3. German Stereotypes

Competencies and skills:
In a conversational setting the student will talk about him- or herself and the outside world using a variety of grammatical structures, which may include, but are not limited to, the following. The student will:

  1. Use adjectives to describe themselves and others
  2. Use Subjunctive II in present and past to talk about hypothetical situations
  3. Use reflexive pronouns and verbs to describe personal situations
  4. Use the passive voice: indirect discourse and indirect commands
  5. Use passive in all cases for descriptive conversation
  6. Use Subjunctive I in past, present, and future time
  7. Use “selbst / selber” to intensify conversation