CCOG for HE 250 archive revision 202104

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Effective Term:
Fall 2021 through Summer 2022

Course Number:
HE 250
Course Title:
Personal Health
Credit Hours:
Lecture Hours:
Lecture/Lab Hours:
Lab Hours:

Course Description

Inspires close examination and evaluation of factors that influence one's personal health and wellness. Involves critical analysis of health information related to the biological, psychological, sociocultural, and environmental impacts on personal health from a wellness perspective. Audit available.

Intended Outcomes for the course

Upon completion of the course students will be able to:

  1. Explain how biological, psychological, sociocultural, and environmental factors influence personal and community health.
  2. Apply the Socioecological model to assess personal health status and use a variety of wellness enhancement strategies.
  3. Use health literacy skills to critically evaluate and inform health-related decisions.
  4. Apply critical thinking skills to analyze strategies for self-assessment, behavior change and modifying health risks.

Outcome Assessment Strategies

Students will demonstrate learning outcomes using a combination of the following tasks as determined by the instructor:

  • Written Journals, portfolios, self-assessments, and self-reflection papers
  • Multiple choice, true/false, short answer and essay quizzes and exams that require integration, application, and critical examination of material covered in the class
  • Participation in individual and group exercises, activities, case studies and presentations in or outside the classroom
  • Active participation in class discussions
  • Written and/or verbal assignments designed to promote integration of class material with personal reflection and experience
  • Participation in online learning platforms.
  • Term or research papers, using a variety of research strategies.
  • Community-based learning

Course Content (Themes, Concepts, Issues and Skills)

Themes, Concepts, Issues

Wellness perspective

Socioecological model of health

Health prevention and promotion

Social and personal responsibility

Behavior change

Health literacy

Emergent health issues

Psychosocial Health



Physical fitness

Body image

Chronic Disease

Communicable disease

Sexual/reproductive health

Healthy relationships

Environmental Health

Health disparities


Oral Health



  • Develop health promoting behavior change strategies
  • Discriminate between evidence-based and non-evidence-based research related to health
  • Critically evaluate various influences on health/wellness
  • Self-reflect on current personal health status
  • Write and communicate orally in a clear, organized, and effective manner
  • Develop and refine group process skills, which may include listening, brainstorming, communicating, negotiating, or cooperating on shared tasks
  • Practice ability to listen to and empathize with diverse perspectives and experiences.