CCOG Courses in Health Information Management archive

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Course Number Course Title
HIM 105 Ancillary Information Analysis
HIM 107 Ancillary Information Analysis Lab
HIM 110 Health Record Content 1
Health Record Content in Acute Care Settings
HIM 120 Health Record Content 1 Lab
Health Record Content in Acute Care Settings Lab
HIM 121 Legal and Ethical Aspects of Healthcare
HIM 128 Anatomy & Physiology for Health Information Management 1
HIM 129 Anatomy & Physiology for Health Information Management 2
HIM 131 Medical Science
HIM 136 Medications
HIM 141 Health Record Content 2
Health Record Content in Non-Acute Care Settings
HIM 182 Health Care Delivery Systems
Healthcare Delivery Systems
HIM 260 HIM Professional Practice Lab 1
HIM 261 HIM Professional Practice Lab 2
HIM 262 HIM Professional Practice Lab 3
HIM 270 ICD Basic Coding
ICD Procedure Coding
HIM 271 Quality Improvement in Healthcare
HIM 272 Health Information Management
HIM 273 ICD Diagnosis Coding
ICD Intermediate Coding
HIM 274 Quality Improvement in Healthcare Lab
HIM 275 CPT Coding
HIM 276 Coding Capstone
ICD Intermediate Lab
HIM 277 Health Information Management Lab
HIM 281 Data Management and Analysis
HIM 282 Healthcare Statistics
HIM 283 Health Information Systems
HIM 285 Healthcare Financing and Compliance
HIM 286 Data Management and Analysis Lab
HIM 290 HIM Teams and Training
HIM 293 Health Information Directed Practice