CCOG for ID 230 archive revision 202204

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Effective Term:
Fall 2022 through Spring 2025

Course Number:
ID 230
Course Title:
Textiles for Interiors
Credit Hours:
Lecture Hours:
Lecture/Lab Hours:
Lab Hours:

Course Description

Covers knowledge and critical thinking skills required for the identification, selection, usage and care of textile products.

Intended Outcomes for the course

Upon completion of the course student should be able to:

  • Identify textile composition and the impact on performance.
  • Evaluate a textile for interior use based on knowledge of product standards in conjunction with fiber/fabric performance characteristics.

Course Activities and Design

Each class meeting will include extensive lecture supplemented with ample visual and tactile aids in the form of videos, overheads, and textile swatches. Grades will be assigned based on the student’s performance on labs, quizzes, exams, term paper/project board and attendance.

Outcome Assessment Strategies

Students will be able to synthesize their knowledge of textiles in a term paper and project board that demonstrates the following competencies.

  • Demonstrate awareness of the diversity of textile products and their contribution to contemporary lifestyles in the form of window and wall coverings, upholstery, and carpeting.

  • Understand and use appropriate textile terminology.

  • Understand fibers (natural and manufactured) and their role in product performance, individually or in combinations.

  • Integrate fabrication, yarn type, and fiber in predicting product performance.

  • Understand the application, use, and performance of aesthetic and functional finishes.

  • Critique the appropriate end use of fabrics based on testing and safety standards.

  • Identify various laws and regulations that pertain to textiles for interiors.

  • Evaluate and critique client/consumer textile selections for serviceability based on client’s taste and environment

Course Content (Themes, Concepts, Issues and Skills)

  • Textile structures and performance standards
  • Textile finishes and production methods
  • Environmental concerns
  • Quality assurance
  • Use of textiles in aesthetically pleasing environments
  • Serviceability
  • Cost factors