CCOG for JPN 260C archive revision 201403

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Effective Term:
Summer 2014

Course Number:
JPN 260C
Course Title:
Japanese Culture
Credit Hours:
Lecture Hours:
Lecture/Lab Hours:
Lab Hours:

Course Description

Provides intermediate level students of Japanese with opportunity to increase skills in listening, reading, reading, speaking, and vocabulary usage and to gain cultural awareness. Recommended: Completion of JPN 203, 251 or instructor permission or concurrent enrollment in JPN 201. Audit available.

Addendum to Course Description

JPN 260C is the first term of the three term intermediate college course in Japanese. Communicative proficiency as well as cultural awareness is the main objective of the sequence. Therefore, the emphasis is placed on the spoken language of Japanese. The four skills of listening, speaking, reading, and writing are developed with emphasis on active use of these skills. In reading and writing, work of Hiragana & Katakana syllabaries  are continued, and the study of Kanji characters is further explored.

JPN 260C is offered for three transfer credits per term. And it satisfies a diversity requirement for the AA degree.

JPN 260C is a course for intermediate to intermediate high level students.
Equivalent to one year of college level or minimum of three years of high school Japanese is required. Students in developmental education classes
or ENL should complete those courses before they enroll in JPN 260C. Students whose skill level in
Japanese is more advanced than that of JPN 260C will not be admitted.

Course Activities and Design

Students are expected to attend all classes, participate actively in classroom activities, and prepare oral and written homework assignments.
Students may work with audio tapes in the media center or at home, and they may meet with the teacher in conferences. Japanese will be used in
the classroom at almost all times. Students should plan to spend about one hour in preparation and practice outside of class for each class session.

Outcome Assessment Strategies

The course grade will determined by attendance, oral and written preparation, participation, and daily oral and written assignments. Grades
depend on individual progress, and students will participate in the evaluation of their own progress. The work of this class is sequential,
and the introduction and practice of material take place in class; therefore, attendance is essential.

Course Content (Themes, Concepts, Issues and Skills)

JPN 260C concentrates on the acquisition and correct use of pronunciation and intonation, grammatical structures, functional vocabulary, and cultural
concepts for the purpose of communication in Japanese, particularly in the spoken language. While there are differences among instructors, as to the
order of presentation of the material listed below, topics and structures presented and practiced in JPN 260C include:

A. Communication, discussion, and reading topics
1. Review of beginning level topics as needed
2. Hobbies and pastimes
3. Sports
4. Family
5. Foods and beverages
6. Meals and restaurants
7. Flavors, tastes, and seasonings
8. Cultural Encounters
9. Kanji

B. Structures
1. Interrogative + ka/mo/demo
2. Describing abilities
3. Nominalizers: koto and no
4. More uses of the particles mo
5. Potential form of verbs
6. The te-form of verbs + imasu
7. Relative clauses
8. Describing a change in state
9. Nominals verbs
10. Particle ka
11. Words expressing respect and politeness
12. Particles that connect nouns
13. Moo + the past tense of verbs and mada + the te-iru form of verbs
14. Some time expressions
15. Expressing experience: The ta-form of verbs + koto ga aru
16. Expressing a desire: hoshii, hoshigaru, -tai, and -tagaru
17. Expressing an opinion: to omou
18. verb or adjective + the verb sugiru to mean excessively
19. Quoting speech
20. Expressing intention: tsumori and the volitional form of verbs
21. The te-form of verbs + miru, shimau, iku, and kuru
22. Expressing simultaneous actions -nagara
23. -ni suru
24. -garu
25. soo
26. Quate marker: to
27. Verb changes or conjugations
28. Moo and mada
29. Compound verbs