CCOG for MCH 272 archive revision 201403

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Effective Term:
Summer 2014 through Winter 2025

Course Number:
MCH 272
Course Title:
Mastercam Level I
Credit Hours:
Lecture Hours:
Lecture/Lab Hours:
Lab Hours:

Course Description

Introduces Mastercam operational basics. Includes terminology relevant to PC-based CAD/CAM work. Covers the use of the Mastercam menu structure and system management, 2 1/2 axis wireframe geometry creation, and toolpath creation for output of CNC "G" code for CNC milling. Audit available.

Addendum to Course Description

Mastercam Level I  consists of the following modules: 

Introduction to Mastercam - This is a preparatory module designed to introduce students to personal computing and Mastercam operational basics.

Design Level I - This module covers creation of two and three dimensional wire frame geometry such as: Terminology relevant to PC based CAD/CAM work and covers topics such as hardware familiarity, system operation, folders, file types and structure, Mastercam menu structure and system management; the creation of two and three dimensional wire frame geometry.  Emphasis is on proper geometry creation, manipulation and management, relevant utilities and C-hooks, terminology, toolbar and menu functions;

Mill Level I - This module covers 2 ½ axis toolpaths for milling such as: Contour, Pocket, Drill and Point.  Parameters relevant to these topics are covered in detail, as are C-hooks, tool and material libraries, toolpath verification utilities and editors.  

MCH 259, 268, 278 & 279    

Intended Outcomes for the course

The student will be able to understand the operational basics of Mastercam required to design parts, assign toolpaths to specific part features, and communicate the CNC program to a CNC machine tool.    

This course is based on performance outcomes. The following performance outcomes are based upon established industry standards. The student will demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the:

  • Fundamental concepts and techniques associated with Mastercam CAD/CAM software.
  • Fundamental machining operations performed on CNC machining centers.
  • Graphics environment of Mastercam Computer Assisted Machining Software.
  • Mastercam process and modeling for Computer Assisted Machining for CNC machine tools.
  • Techniques of 2-D geometry construction using Mastercam computer assisted machining software.
  • Concepts and  techniques of modifying existing geometry using Mastercam computer assisted machining software .
  • Mastercam computer assisted machining software material and tool library files.
  • Tool path generation using existing geometry utilizing Mastercam computer assisted machining software .
  • Concepts of generating tool paths using the combined (existing geometry) and direct (new geometry) methods utilizing Mastercam computer assisted machining software .
  • Concepts of  tool path editing using Mastercam computer assisted machining software .
  • Concepts and techniques associated with process and tool path planning using Mastercam computer assisted machining software.

Course Activities and Design

MCH 272 Mastercam Level I will be presented by means of audio visual presentations, demonstrations, lab experiences, and research activities. The course activities and design emphasize the development of skills and knowledge outcomes prescribed by established industry standards. The identified outcomes will be achieved by means of individual and team activities.  

Outcome Assessment Strategies

POLICY - Student performance measurements are based on established industry standards. The various areas of study during the course will be evaluated by a variety of activities. Typical of those activities are the following; 

1. READING ASSIGNMENTS - Information sheets, textbooks, journal articles and the learning resource center are potential sources of information that the student will reference as directed in the modules identified in the introduction.  

2. PRACTICE - Completion of tasks and projects identified in the reading assignments, information sheets, journal articles and textbooks.  Students are required to complete practice activities with 100% competency. 

3. SELF-ASSESSMENT - Checking and evaluating the students understanding and knowledge gained through the reading assignments and practices typically done through a practice evaluation. 

4. LAB ACTIVITIES - Participation in a structured laboratory exercises with the emphasis on developing skills or increasing expertise in the areas of study identified in the module packets. 

5. FINAL ASSESSMENT - An assessment in the form of a written exam and/or practical application that addresses the subject areas identified in the module packets.  . Students are required to complete final assessment activities with 85% competency.    


Learning Mastercam Mill Applications, CNC Software 
Learning Mastercam Project Workbook, CNC Software 
Learning Mastercam Lathe Applications, CNC Software 
Learning Mastercam Design Applications, CNC Software

Related Instruction

Hours: 5


  • Fundamental concepts and techniques associated with Mastercam CAD/CAM software.
  • Fundamental machining operations performed on CNC machining centers.
  • Graphics environment of Mastercam Computer Assisted Machining Software.
  • Mastercam process and modeling for Computer Assisted Machining for CNC machine tools.
  • Techniques of 2-D geometry construction using Mastercam computer assisted machining software.
  • Concepts and  techniques of modifying existing geometry using Mastercam computer assisted machining software .
  • Mastercam computer assisted machining software material and tool library files.
  • Tool path generation using existing geometry utilizing Mastercam computer assisted machining software .
  • Concepts of generating tool paths using the combined (existing geometry) and direct (new geometry) methods utilizing Mastercam computer assisted machining software .
  • Concepts of  tool path editing using Mastercam computer assisted machining software .
  • Concepts and techniques associated with process and tool path planning using Mastercam computer assisted machining software.

Hours: 30


  • Mastercam computer assisted machining software material and tool library files.
  • Concepts and  techniques of modifying existing geometry using Mastercam computer assisted machining software .