CCOG for MM 230 archive revision 202404

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Effective Term:
Fall 2024 through Summer 2025

Course Number:
MM 230
Course Title:
Graphics for Multimedia
Credit Hours:
Lecture Hours:
Lecture/Lab Hours:
Lab Hours:

Course Description

Continues to develop skills using multimedia industry standard graphic software to create, edit and optimize graphic images for use in multimedia and interactive computer applications. Explores graphic creation, color, composition and compositing of multiple graphics for use in multimedia presentations and other multimedia formats. Audit available.

Intended Outcomes for the course

Upon successful completion of the course students should be able to:

  • Optimize graphic file formats and their individual characteristics to various modes of delivery.
  • Relate the primary features of pixel resolution and color depth issues of graphics development to multiple modes of delivery.
  • Utilize industry-standard development tools for design and layout of digital media.
  • Create, edit, and optimize graphic images for use in various multimedia applications and the various delivery possibilities. 

Course Activities and Design

Course material will be presented in a lecture format. This course is designed to maximize learning through the use of strategies such as outcome based instruction, collaborative learning, contextual application and performance based assessment. Lecture material will consist of discussion, multimedia, and other educationally sound practices. Other activities will include hands-on utilization of graphic and production software. Demonstration and handout materials will be provided.

Outcome Assessment Strategies

Assessment is designed to indicate achievement of the course outcome and performance tasks. The instructor will outline the methods used to assess student progress and the criteria for assigning a grade at the beginning of the course. Assessment will be based upon a combination of in-class participation, attendance, examinations, and quality of the multimedia project(s). Determination of problem solving skills, team work, and communication skills may also be included.

Related Instruction

Hours: 48


  • Utilize and optimize graphic file formats and their individual characteristics to various modes of delivery.
  • Relate the primary features of pixel resolution and color depth issues of graphics development to multiple modes of delivery
  • Utilize industry standard development tools for design and lay out of digital media.
  • Create, edit, and optimize graphic images for use in various multimedia applications and the various delivery possibilities;

  • Review different graphic formats and the variables and attributes of each to determine file size and resolution for different modes of delivery.
  • Students develop various graphics for multiple modes of delivery and students prepare them for the next phase of production.
  • Numerically adjust the filter sizes, ratios and compression of graphics for different modes of delivery and optimize accordingly
  • Understand the relationship between compression ratio and file size for multiple modes of delivery.
  • Evaluate images and predict how they will look with different resolution and color depth issues to determine what plan of action will be needed.
  • Scenario exercise: students are given images that a client has asked them to use for the web and they must predict how they would look and how they would optimize them, how long it will take them, what they would be doing to the actual pixels, and how it would effect the quality.