CCOG for MM 256 archive revision 201403

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Effective Term:
Summer 2014 through Summer 2025

Course Number:
MM 256
Course Title:
Graphics for Multimedia II
Credit Hours:
Lecture Hours:
Lecture/Lab Hours:
Lab Hours:

Course Description

Continues to develop skills using multimedia industry standard graphic software to create, edit and optimize graphic images for use in multimedia and interactive computer applications. Explores techniques to manage workflow of graphics production essential for use in multimedia presentations and other multimedia formats. Audit available.

Intended Outcomes for the course

Upon successful completion students should be able to:

Use industry standard graphic tools to create media for multimedia presentations and other multimedia formats.
Utilize industry standard graphic software to produce a systematic workflow for various formats and various clients.
Work nondestructively with graphic media for continued development.
Evaluate graphic and multimedia projects, identify items for improvement, and implement changes.

Course Activities and Design

The material in this course will be presented in a classroom
lecture/discussion/demonstration format, and in class hands-on exercises.
There will be short assignments weekly, which may be partially completed inclass.
Also, a longer assignment, which demonstrates techniques and skills, developed in the course.

Outcome Assessment Strategies

Projects will be the major criteria for evaluation. Emphasis will be placed on creativity, presentations, meeting assigned deadlines, and participation in critiques. Additional methods of assessment may include quizzes, exercises, assignments, and attendance.

Course Content (Themes, Concepts, Issues and Skills)

· Use industry standard graphic tools to create media for multimedia presentations and other multimedia formats.
· Prepare artwork for use in presentations using comps
· Draw vector objects in using the pen tool, shape tools and type tools.
· Identify the file format type most appropriate to specific multimedia delivery choices and the pros and cons of each format
· Demonstrate the effective use of select filters;
· Refine and enhance images with the use of brushes.
· Create seamless, repeatable images for use as backgrounds, textures, etc.
· Demonstrate the primary features of layers and the practical use of layer effects;
· Review the primary multimedia graphic file formats and their individual characteristics
· Discuss the importance of typography within graphics;
· Review competency in the use of the components of the type window;
· Evaluate graphic projects, identify items for improvement, and implement changes.
· Explore the differences between DPI & PPI and some of the misconceptions that surround them;
· Expand on the primary features of channels and masks, including their creation and use;
· Use actions and batching features to make more efficient use of production time.
· Review the creation, saving, and modification of paths and their primary usefulness;
· Work non-destructively with graphic media.