CCOG for MSD 176 archive revision 201403

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Effective Term:
Summer 2014 through Winter 2025

Course Number:
MSD 176
Course Title:
Nonverbal Communication
Credit Hours:
Lecture Hours:
Lecture/Lab Hours:
Lab Hours:

Course Description

This 10-hour workshop discusses the impact non-verbal communication has on understanding the message. Topics include body language, eye contact, attire, and manner of presentation and cultural differences. Audit available.

Intended Outcomes for the course

  • Practice nonverbal communication skills to help resolve differences of opinion.
  • Explain how body language influences communication more than words.
  • List the steps for identifying potential nonverbal barriers then explain how to eliminate these barriers.
  • Explain the impact cultural differences may have on communication and how to redirect the situation.

Outcome Assessment Strategies

  • Demonstrate how to turn negative nonverbal communication into a positive encounter.
  • Describe how attire can influence communication and how to either minimize or maximize the impact.
  • Analyze a situation, identify the nonverbal communication used and describe how to redirect or correct the situation.
  • Apply learned skills through an outside project.

Course Content (Themes, Concepts, Issues and Skills)


  • Demonstrate different body language that help to minimize misunderstanding.
  • Minimize intimidation through strategic body positioning.
  • Use facial expressions to improve the understanding of the message being sent.
  • Identify nonverbal clues the customer gives that indicate a potential problem exists and calm the customer with nonverbal action.
  • Identify nonverbal cultural differences and use these differences to enhance communication.

General Concepts
Nonverbal communication impacts the message more than the words themselves. Adapting one’s nonverbal style may be necessary for clear communication. Selection of the room, time or place, may also influence the situation and should be considered part of the nonverbal message.
Learning about nonverbal cultural differences helps to reduce misunderstandings. Recognizing the different meanings of nonverbal signals enhances communication.
Body language can inadvertently create a threatening environment. Micro-momentary behaviors may convey an additional level of understanding.