CCOG for MTH 76 archive revision 201704

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Effective Term:
Fall 2017

Course Number:
MTH 76
Course Title:
Introduction to GeoGebra
Credit Hours:
Lecture Hours:
Lecture/Lab Hours:
Lab Hours:

Course Description

Introduces use of the free math software GeoGebra. Explores the power of the graphing and computer algebra systems for use by a student and/or instructor. Access to a computer or tablet with Java and internet access is required. Audit available.

Intended Outcomes for the course

  • Successfully install GeoGebra on a work or home computer or tablet
  • Use GeoGebra in a similar capacity as a graphing calculator: as a computer algebra system to perform algebraic operations and to graph functions and equations 
  • Use GeoGebra to create mathematical images for use in other documents, such as: exams, presentations and written assignments

Course Activities and Design

Activities should include submitting files that show experience with all of the following:

  • Download GeoGebra and submit a saved GeoGebra file
  • Graph an equation or function using GeoGebra and alter it (e.g. move, show/hide, color, style, label, restrict domain, etc.)
  • Use a graph (e.g. find intercepts, intersect two functions, find area under a curve, etc.)
  • Use the Computer Algebra System (CAS) to perform algebra
  • Create interactive files using sliders or other input objects (e.g. sliders that alter coefficients, points on a function that trace out related functions, relation between points on a circle and a trigonometric function)
  • Use files from outside GeoGebra within GeoGebra and/or use GeoGebra graphs or data or files independent from GeoGebra (e.g. use data from Excel in GeoGebra, use a graph generated in GeoGebra in a text document, import a picture to GeoGebra)

Outcome Assessment Strategies

Assessment must include at least two of the following:

  • Attend 80% or more of class meetings (for those classes that meet in person) for pass consideration

  • Weekly document assignments

  • Portfolio of GeoGebra files

  • Colaborative work

  • Cumulative assignment

  • Level specific assignment (e.g lab write up for MTH251 or Exam for MTH112)

Course Content (Themes, Concepts, Issues and Skills)


    1. Download and Install GeoGebra

      1. Download GeoGebra as a free-standing program or use as a web-based utility

      2. Download the appropriate Java support if necessary


    1. Graph functions using function notation

    2. Graph equations in implicit form

    3. Show/Hide objects using: Algebra Window and/or Properties Window and/or right-clicking and/or Show/Hide icon

    4. Investigate Graphs:

      1. Intersect two graphs

      2. Read a value from a graph using a point on the graph

      3. Use the “Extrema” function to find local and global minimum and maximum

      4. Find zero(s) and  y -intercept

    5. Alter the graphics view from the Graphics Window and from the pop-up window

      1. Zoom

      2. Alter one axis (either by altering aspect ratio, or dragging one axes with the mouse or manually in the pop-up window)

      3. Turn on and off the rectangular grid


    1. Understand that GeoGebra evaluates expressions according to the order of operations (e.g. complex fractions and radicals).

    2. Be able to use parentheses as grouping symbols correctly.

    3. Use CAS commands like Solve[, Expand[, Factor[, FractionText[, and/or options for equation formatting (e.g. changing between standard form and slope-intercept form of a linear equation, or  Aekx vs.  Abx form)


    1. Create an object dependent on another object (e.g. a tessellation based on two points, or a first and second derivative of a function), and alter the parent object to observe changes in the child(ren) object(s)

    2. Understand that deleting a parent object deletes all child objects

    3. Use undo and redo with keyboard commands and/or undo buttons  


    1. Create a slider

    2. Use a slider

      1. Use a slider to alter an object on the screen or spreadsheet or algebra view

      2. Examine a family of functions using Trace and a slider as a coefficient (e.g.  y=mx+b with m as a slider between -5 and 5, incrementing by 0.1)

      3. Animate a slider with drop-down window and/or play/pause button


    1. Create objects geometrically (e.g. lines or circles)

    2. Use red triangles to employ non-obvious icons (e.g. insert text, insert image, insert vector, etc)


    1. Export the graphics screen to clipboard

    2. Use a GeoGebra image in a document

    3. Import and use an image

      1. Import an image from a computer or tablet to the Graphics window

      2. Attach an image’s corners to other points in the Graphics window

      3. Use corner points to alter an image to a desired scale


    1. Plotting data and regressions

      1. Draw a scatter plot, box plot or histogram

      2. Perform a regression on a set of points (e.g. use line of best fit icon; use FitPoly[ to plot a parabola based on three points; use FitSine[ to fit a sine wave to a set of points overlaid on an imported graph of natural gas use)

    2. Use the Tool Creation feature

      1. Make a tool based on input object(s) with output object(s) dependent on input (e.g. tessellation tool using two regular polygons)

      2. Save the tool and/or make an icon for the tool

    3. Use the Function Inspector

    4. Use Conditional Visibility and Style changes

      1. Make text and/or objects that appear under specific parameters

      2. Alter color based on parameters or

      3. Alter color and style of objects manually

    5. Explore the Statistics Calculator

    6. Download and explore GeoGebra 3D

      1. Create objects in 3D mode

      2. Change view angle and zoom in 3D Graphics window

    7. Export a file as a webpage

      1. Create a demonstration or activity

      2. Export a demonstration or activity as a webpage independent from GeoGebra

      3. Recognize the necessity of support .jar file (if applicable)

    8. GeoGebra Tube

      1. Upload to GeoGebra Tube an approved GeoGebra file or webpage  to be used by other GeoGebra users

    9. Utilize the built-in LaTeX commands to improve appearance of text