CCOG for MUP 100 archive revision 201403

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Effective Term:
Summer 2014 through Spring 2025

Course Number:
MUP 100
Course Title:
Individual Lessons for Non-majors
Credit Hours:
Lecture Hours:
Lecture/Lab Hours:
Lab Hours:

Course Description

Includes individual instruction in piano, organ, voice and instruments of the band and orchestra. Can be taken for a maximum of six credits. Credit fee is paid to the college. Lesson fees are variable and paid directly to instructor. Audit available.

Intended Outcomes for the course

The material for the course will be presented in a lab/demonstration format.  

  • Students will be able to demonstrate basic instrument technique and consistent musicianship.

Outcome Assessment Strategies

Methods used to evaluate student progress and the criteria for assigning a course grade should be made clear by the instructor at the beginning of the course. The individual instructor will determine the method of assessment. Assessment methods may include:            

  • Qualitative and/or quantitative examinations

Course Content (Themes, Concepts, Issues and Skills)

First Year Required Materials: (at the discretion of instructor)

  • Fundamentals:

  • Technique:

  • Etudes:

  • Suggested Repertoire: Common practice literature.

The following skills are to be achieved to successfully meet the minimum requirement(“C” or “Pass”) for the course:

First Year:           

  • Demonstrate instrument basics

  • Major and minor scales and arpeggios

  • One to three pieces covered per term

  • Basic sight reading material