CCOG for MUP 181A archive revision 201902

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Effective Term:
Spring 2019 through Spring 2025

Course Number:
MUP 181A
Course Title:
Applied Music/Flute I - First Term
Credit Hours:
Lecture Hours:
Lecture/Lab Hours:
Lab Hours:

Course Description

Provides first term of individual private flute instruction. Develops elementary-level performance skills at the music major/minor level. Draws repertoire and technique methods from classical traditions. Includes training in performance practice and stylistic interpretation through a focus on tone production, technique, applied knowledge, sight-reading, and other aspects of musicianship as applied to the flute.

Addendum to Course Description

All applied music students are required to attend weekly lessons, attend weekly performance classes, participate in public performance, and complete a music jury. A substantial amount of out-of-lesson practice time is required.

Intended Outcomes for the course

Upon completion of the course students will be able to:

  • Perform elementary-solo and elementary-ensemble flute repertoire using an understanding of elementary musicianship and performance etiquette.
  • Prepare and rehearse elementary-solo and elementary-ensemble flute repertoire for performance using an elementary-level understanding of music literacy.
  • Demonstrate stylistic distinctions in elementary-solo and elementary-ensemble flute repertoire to accurately interpret music in performance.
  • Demonstrate an elementary-level understanding of the flute to continue to improve as a performer.
  • Meet learning outcomes specific to this project as mutually agreed upon by the student and instructor in advance through a written learning contract, and as appropriate to the credit awarded for this course

Aspirational Goals

Public performance of assigned repertoire demonstrating solid technique, musicianship and proper performance practice. (minimum of two area recitals in addition to final performance.)

Sightread excerpts of elementary level repertory.

Participation in final recital and jury.

Successful completion of material assigned by private instructor.

Course Activities and Design

The following skills are to be achieved to successfully meet the minimum requirement

(“C” or “Pass”) for the course:

            First Year:

  • Demonstrate flute basics with single tonguing and legato double tonguing
  • All Major, Harmonic Minor and Chromatic scales and arpeggios slurred slowly with best sound, over the full range of the flute from memory
  • Slow and fast movement from Baroque or Classical sonata or character


  • Sight Reading College Entrance Level Material
  • Appearance on a recital or jury

Outcome Assessment Strategies

Methods used to evaluate student progress and the criteria for assigning a course grade should be made clear by the instructor at the beginning of the course.  The individual instructor will determine the method of assessment.  Assessment methods may include:

  • Qualitative and/or quantitative examinations
  • Weekly performance assignments
  • Final performance evaluation

Course Content (Themes, Concepts, Issues and Skills)

First Year Required Materials:

  • Fundamentals:  Posture, Breathing, Hand position, Embouchure, Intonation,  Vibrato
  • Tone Production:  Long tones, Scales; Trevor Wye – Practice Books for the Flute Bk.1, Tone (Novello)
  • Technique: Andersen- Opus 41, 33; Barrere – Flutist Formulae (Schrimer)
  • Articulation: Taffanel-Gaubert – 17 Grand Daily Exercises (Leduc)
  • Phrasing/Musicianship: Moyse – De la Sonorite; 24 Short Melodic Etudes
  • Suggested Repertoire:  Baroque or Classic Eras Sonatas (Handel, Mozart

        Andante), Character pieces from various eras (Debussy Syrinx,  etc.)