CCOG for MUP 292 archive revision 201403

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Effective Term:
Summer 2014 through Spring 2025

Course Number:
MUP 292
Course Title:
Applied Music Miscellaneous
Credit Hours:
Lecture Hours:
Lecture/Lab Hours:
Lab Hours:

Course Description

Individual second-year instruction in piano, voice and instruments of the band and orchestra.

Intended Outcomes for the course

The material for the course will be presented in a lab/demonstration format.

Students will be required to perform each quarter in a student recital.
Students will be able to demonstrate good tone production, rhythmic precision, articulation, technical development, scales, chords, phrasing and musicianship.

Outcome Assessment Strategies

Methods used to evaluate student progress and the criteria for assigning a course grade should be made clear by the instructor at the beginning of the course. The individual instructor will determine the method of assessment. Assessment methods may include:

Qualitative and/or quantitative examinations
Weekly performance assignments
Final performance evaluation

Course Content (Themes, Concepts, Issues and Skills)

First Year Required Materials: (when applicable)

Fundamentals: Posture, hand positions, vibrato

Technique: Three octave scales and arpeggios, Principles of shifting

Etudes: Selected Etudes
Suggested Repertoire: Arrangements of common practice literature.
Second Year Required Materials:
Etudes: Selected studies

Technique: Three octave scales and arpeggios; Advanced techniques

Suggested Repertoire: As appropriate

The following skills are to be achieved to successfully meet the minimum requirement (“C” or “Pass”) for the course:

First Year:

Demonstrate instrument basics

All major and minor scales and arpeggios (three octaves)

Baroque, Classical and/or Romantic sonatas, concerti or character pieces.

Sight reading college entrance level material

Appearance on a recital or jury

Second Year:

Demonstrate continued development of basics, including advanced techniques.

Major and minor scales and arpeggios (three octaves) .

Perform major pieces from several different historical eras

Sight reading first year level material

Appearance on a recital