CCOG for MUS 201 archive revision 202103

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Effective Term:
Summer 2021 through Fall 2024

Course Number:
MUS 201
Course Title:
Introduction to Music and Its Literature
Credit Hours:
Lecture Hours:
Lecture/Lab Hours:
Lab Hours:

Course Description

Covers music of the Medieval, Renaissance and Baroque eras of music history. Audit available.

Addendum to Course Description

Materials will be presented in a lecture/multi-media/discussion format. Use of extensive multi-media educational methods will be used to enhance lectures. These methods include: CD audio, CD ROM, Laser Disc, DVD, Midi, and computer presentations featuring music software.

Intended Outcomes for the course

Upon successful completion students should be able to:

Communicate effectively with musicians and nonmusicians on the historic development of the western music tradition.
Persuasively convey how the western music tradition represents a diversity of forms of music expression, cultural norms, social-political hierarchy, and religious dogma.
Educate others about how remarkable individual musical accomplishments have impacted the cultural, religious, artistic, and musical traditions of their time, and still bear influence today.
Perform and create music employing the period and stylistic characteristics of the western music tradition.
Advocate before political, educational, and community member organizations about the intrinsic value and importance of music in education.

Outcome Assessment Strategies

Criteria for evaluating and grading student progress will be distributed at the beginning of the term. Individual instructors will select the assessment methods, that may include:

Qualitative examinations
Quantitative examinations
Aural examinations
Homework assignments
Class and group participation

Course Content (Themes, Concepts, Issues and Skills)

Introduction to the Elements of Music
Musical Instruments and Ensembles
The Medieval Era Sacred and Secular Music
The Renaissance Sacred and Secular Vocal and Instrumental Music
The Organization of Musical Sounds
The Baroque Era Style Characteristics and Developments
Baroque Opera
Instrumental Music: The Baroque Concerto
Keyboard Music: The Baroque Suite
The Music of Bach, Handel and other Representative Masters


•Recognize and describe essential musical forms
•Understand and assess the importance of historical developments in the arts
•Distinguish and describe the major musical developments and characteristics between the style periods examined
•Apply knowledge of representative composers lives, historical significance, and style characteristics to analysis and criticism
•Analyze the development of sacred, secular music and the rise of instrumental music
•Gain a respect for the dramatic and choral music from the Baroque Era and assess its place in the development of music
•Understand and use musical terminology
