CCOG for OMT 104 archive revision 201403

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Effective Term:
Summer 2014 through Summer 2015

Course Number:
OMT 104
Course Title:
Ophthalmic Office Procedures
Credit Hours:
Lecture Hours:
Lecture/Lab Hours:
Lab Hours:

Course Description

Utilizes techniques to obtain medical and ophthalmic history, transcription of information into the medical chart, and common terms/abbreviations used in history taking. Covers front office techniques, including basic functions of a computer in the medical office. Develops skills needed to obtain accurate patient visual acuity.

Intended Outcomes for the course

1. Effectively take a complete patient history.
2. Maintain clean, safe ophthalmic equipment in the workplace.
3. Skillfully communicate with patients to ensure proper triage.

Course Activities and Design

The class will be presented by means of lecture/discussion, audio-visual presentations, handouts and demonstrations. There will be comprehensive lab work requiring demonstrated competency to receive a satisfactory grade. Guest speakers and field trips may be utilized by the instructor as a means of assisting the student in mastering course goals

Outcome Assessment Strategies

At the beginning of the course, the instructor will detail the methods used to evaluate student progress and the criteria for assigning a course grade. The methods may include one or more of the following tools: examinations, quizzes, homework assignments, research papers, laboratory modules and student participation.

Course Content (Themes, Concepts, Issues and Skills)

Ophthalmic Equipment/Instruments

  1. Medical/Ophthalmic History
  2. Appointment Scheduling/Telephone Technique
  3. Medical Records Management
  4. Ophthalmic Abbreviations
  5. Patient Services and Education
  6. Visual Acuity
  7. Vital Sign Measurement

Ophthalmic Equipment/Instruments

1.      Identify and explain the use of common ophthalmic equipment.

2.      Perform proper cleaning and routine maintenance of ophthalmic equipment.

3.      Describe items to be used in an instrument maintenance log.

4.      Check calibration of instruments such as keratometer and lensometer.

5.      Describe how to implement proper in-office maintenance; clean, maintain, lubricate  and repair.

6.      Safely change bulbs and fuses on ophthalmic equipment.

7.      List 3 methods of acceptable disinfection for ophthalmic instruments that touch the eye.

8.      Explain precautions taken when cleaning front surface silvered mirrors.

9.      Describe proper handling of rechargeable retinoscopes, ophthalmoscopes and transilluminators as well as proper usage of charging wells.

Medical/Ophthalmic History

1.      List 6 items of general information to include in a patient chart.

2.      Describe how to provide accurate historical documentation.

3.      Identify pertinent ophthalmic abbreviations.

4.      Describe proper documentation of allergies to medications.

5.      Define "Chief Complaint" and its importance in the medical record.

6.      Describe information that should be contained in the “Chief Complaint” section.

7.      List items included in the “history of present illness”.

8.      Describe how to succinctly and efficiently transcribe obtained information into the patient chart.

9.      Identify the difference between new and established patients as they relate to documentation.

10.  Detail the components of a medical, ocular, family and social history.

11.  List additional questions asked of patients complaining of headache symptoms.

12.  Define asthenopia.

13.  List additional questions asked of patients with “red eye”.

14.  List additional questions asked of patients with double vision.

15.  List additional questions asked of patients with tearing or discharge.

16.  List questions asked of patients in “past ocular history”.

17.  List types of illnesses included in “medical history”.

18.  List types of medications, both prescription and OTC, to include in the medications list.  Which supplements and herbal remedies should be included?

19.  List diseases included in the “family ocular history” and which relatives are included.

20.  Describe the meaning of subjective and objective information in a medical history.

Medical Records Management/Reading medical charts

1.      State three important reasons for keeping good medical records.

2.      List items of personal data needed in the medical record.

3.      State three important reasons for keeping good medical records

4.      Describe the meaning of subjective and objective information in the medical record.

5.      Explain the basic differences between the traditional and the problem oriented medical record.

6.      Discuss changing an entry in the medical record and the importance of following correct procedure.

7.      Describe the proper procedure for filing X-rays, lab reports and letters from other physicians/providers.

Appointment Scheduling/Telephone Technique/Triage

1.      Schedule patients in applicable increments for a physician's office schedule to run smoothly (ie. “patient flow”)

2.      Describe how to determine when a request for and appointment is an emergency.

3.      State the reason for recording failed appointments on the patients chart.

4.      Discuss the handling of cancellations and delays brought about by office situations.

5.      List and explain the basic guidelines to follow in scheduling appointments.

6.      Describe professional telephone manners.

7.      Identify the kinds of calls that will need to be referred to the physician for response.

8.      List 8 symptoms requiring immediate/emergency attention.

9.      List 3 symptoms requiring urgent attention (same day)

10.  Describe immediate treatment for chemical injuries.

 Preliminary Examination

1.      List at least 7 components in the ophthalmic preliminary exam.

2.      List six types of patients physicians should see without any technician workup.

3.      List six types of patients physicians should see without any technician workup.

4.      List additional tests done while screening a cataract patient.

5.      List at least three tests done prior to cataract surgery.

6.      List at least three tests done for patients with neurological symptoms

7.      List tests done for patients referred for glaucoma evaluation.

8.      Demonstrate “bundling” of a baby.

Patient Services

1.      Demonstrate proper hand washing technique and detail when this is necessary.

2.      Discuss guidelines for “standard precautions” and when to use them.

3.      Demonstrate application of a pressure patch.

4.      Demonstrate testing of color deficiency with Ishihara color plates.

5.      Demonstrate testing central vision with Amsler grid.

6.      Demonstrate estimation of anterior chamber depth with penlight.

7.      Demonstrate measurement of near point of convergence.

8.      Demonstrate testing of stereo acuity using the Stereo Fly.

9.      Demonstrate testing for Marcus-Gunn (RAPD) pupil using the swinging flashlight test.

10.  Demonstrate proper instillation of eye drops and ointments.

11.  Demonstrate application of punctual occlusion and describe when to use this technique.

Informed Consent

1.      List seven items included in an informed consent document.

2.      Discuss when informed consent must be utilized.