CCOG for PSY 213 archive revision 201403

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Effective Term:
Summer 2014 through Summer 2021

Course Number:
PSY 213
Course Title:
Introduction to Behavioral Neuroscience
Credit Hours:
Lecture Hours:
Lecture/Lab Hours:
Lab Hours:

Course Description

Surveys the role of the brain and nervous system in behavior, psychological functioning, and neurophysiological processes that underlie human development. Audit available.

Intended Outcomes for the course

Upon successful completion students should be able to:

1. Identify the brain’s neuroanatomy and its functions throughout the nervous system to understand behavior and mental processes.
2. Use the human sensory system to understand the biology of sleep and the role of the visual system, and the functions of sustaining life.
3. Use an understanding of neurophysiology principles to associate the effects of psychopharmacology on human development and, pathological behavior.
4. Evaluate and understand the role of brain functioning in the development, diagnosis, and treatment of brain-based disorders
5. Apply an understanding of brain functioning to the conduct of one’s own life.
6. Apply this knowledge to abilities including attention, learning, perception of others and decision making.

Social Inquiry and Analysis

Students completing an associate degree at Portland Community College will be able to apply methods of inquiry and analysis to examine social contexts and the diversity of human thought and experience.

Outcome Assessment Strategies

Students will demonstrate learning outcome by the following:

1.      Complete a research paper that demonstrates competency and critical thinking in the area appropriate for the course.

2.      Respond verbally and in writing to topical questions concerning physiological psychology.

3.      Respond to objective examinations that address course concepts, issues and themes.

4.      Participate in classroom discussions.

5.      Participate in individual and group exercises, activities or class presentations

Course Content (Themes, Concepts, Issues and Skills)

1.      Appreciate the history of physiological psychology.

2.      Identify the structure and function of the different parts of the neuron

3.      Discuss the function of sensory and motor neurons

4.      Discuss multipolar, bipolar and unipolar neurons

5.      Discuss the internal structure of the nerve cell

6.      Describe the supporting cells of the brain and the peripheral nervous system

7.      Describe the function and structure of oligodendroglia and schwann cells

8.      Describe the significance of the blood brain barrier

9.      Describe the forces that result in resting membrane potential

10. Describe and discuss the action potential based on ion movements across the membrane

11. Discuss how action potentials obey the “all or none” law

12. Identify the structure and function of the synapse

13. Describe the structure and function of neurotransmitters and postsynaptic receptors

14. Describe salutatory conduction

15. Describe the structure and function of autoreceptors

16. Distinguish between hormones, neurotransmitters and neuromodulators  

17. Identify the directional terms of the vertebrate nervous system

18. Discuss the different sections or slices of the brain

19. Discuss the divisions of the nervous system

20. Identify the structure and function of the three meninges

21. Describe the function and route of the cerebrospinal fluid within the brain ventricles

22. Identify the major functions of the five divisions of the brain 

23. Discuss the major structures of the brain

24. Contrast afferent and efferent nerves

25. Discuss psychopharmacology

26. Describe the various routes of drug administration

27. Contrast an agonist from an antagonist effect

28. Describe the activity of the five neurotransmitter classes

29. Discuss and contrast the various imaging techniques used to visualize the living brain

30. Discuss techniques used to record neural activity

31. Develop an understanding of neurochemical methods used in understanding the physiology of behavior

32. Discuss sensory transduction

33. Define brain lesion

34. Discuss the theory behind experimental ablation technique

35. Develop an understanding of brain histology

36. Understand the stereotaxic surgery technique

37. Identify structures and function of the eye

38. Discuss the two photoreceptors

39. Describe the anatomy of the retina

40. Trace the visual pathway from the cornea to the primary visual cortex

41. Describe the four photoreceptors in the retina

42. Describe the phenomena of blindsight

43. Discuss the parvocellular and magnocellular systems

44. Discuss the visual agnosias

45. Discuss the physical structure of sound

46. Identify the structure and function of the ear

47. Trace the route of sound waves from the pinna to the cortex

48. Discuss the role of cilia in the transduction of sound

49. Discuss and describe how pitch is perceived

50. Describe the sleep cycle

51. Discuss REM sleep and slow-wave sleep

52. Discuss the major symptoms of narcolepsy

53. Define and discuss circadian rhythm

54. Discuss the various components of an emotional response

55. Understand the structure and function of the amygdala in emotional response

56. Compare the James-Lange and the Cannon-Bard theories of emotion

57. Appreciate cross-cultural studies on the expression of emotions

58. Discuss the relationship between cortical damage and aggression

59. Discuss classical and operant conditioning

60. Describe perceptual and motor learning

61. Identify the anatomy of the hippocampus

62. Describe the process involved in long-term potentiation

63. Describe the physiological process of synaptic plasticity during long-term potentiation

64. Describe the physiological response to dopamine in reinforcing brain stimulation

65. Define anterograde amnesia

66. Discuss the role of the hippocampus in relational and spatial learning

67. Discuss the structure and function of the hippocampal place cells

68. Discuss the role of the hippocampus in the formation of learning and memory

69. Define aphasia

70. Identify the brain regions involved in Broca’s aphasia

71. Describe the role of the cerebellum in speech production

72. Identify the role of Wernicke’s aphasia

73. Discuss the term pure alexia on reading and writing

74. Define and discuss the characteristics of conduction aphasia

75. Discuss the different forms of acquired dyslexia

76. Discuss the causes, symptoms and treatments of brain tumors, seizure disorders and cerebrovascular accidents

77. Describe the symptoms involved in Parkinson’s disease and Huntington’s chorea

78. Describe the neurological changes involved in Alzheimer’s disease

79. Discuss and identify the symptoms and neurological changes that result in multiple sclerosis

80. Discuss the symptoms of schizophrenia

81. Discuss how drugs influences positive and negative symptoms of schizophrenia

82. Describe how dopamine contributes to the symptoms of schizophrenia

83. Describe the physiology of affective disorders