CCOG for SOC 206 archive revision 201801

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Effective Term:
Winter 2018 through Summer 2021

Course Number:
SOC 206
Course Title:
Social Problems
Credit Hours:
Lecture Hours:
Lecture/Lab Hours:
Lab Hours:

Course Description

Applies the sociological perspective to the study of social problems, including their identification, analyses of causes and consequences, and considerations of possible solutions. Explores topics such as inequality, poverty, crime and delinquency, substance abuse, discrimination, domestic violence, the environment, global stratification, and international conflict. Audit available.

Intended Outcomes for the course

Upon successful completions students should be able to:

1. Apply sociological perspectives and use their sociological imagination in analyzing the causes and consequences of social problems and evaluating
social actions and policies.
2. Locate themselves within social contexts (connect their personal biography and social status with societal history) to reflect on the processes that shape and address social problems.
3. Participate as active citizens in their societies and communities, demonstrating respect for diversity, critical thinking, and collaboration in problem-solving.

Social Inquiry and Analysis

Students completing an associate degree at Portland Community College will be able to apply methods of inquiry and analysis to examine social contexts and the diversity of human thought and experience.

Outcome Assessment Strategies

The SACC assumes that instructors will assess student learning throughout the term by using various formative assessment tools, like worksheets, quizzes, and exams. In addition, the SACC encourages instructors to integrate the following kinds of tasks into the course to assess student achievement of course outcomes in a more comprehensive and holistic manner:
1. Short analytical or application papers on specific concepts, themes, and issues
2. Term or research papers, using a variety of research strategies
3. Oral presentations
4. Group research, analysis, and presentation projects
5. Class participation in full-class discussions and small groups or teams.
6. Response papers or journals reflecting on life experiences, events, and social phenomena
7. Service-learning tasks, involving service to community, reflection, and application of sociological perspective
8. Student-instructor conferences
9. Portfolios
10. Video projects
11. Oral histories and interviews
12. Field reports
13. Policy analysis and development

Course Content (Themes, Concepts, Issues and Skills)

Social problem definitions and identification.
2. The difference between social problems and personal troubles and the interaction between them.
3. Culture, social organization, norms, deviance, and social control mechanisms considered in relation to social problems
4. Sociological theories and perspectives on social problems.
5. Social change and social movements, related to social problems
6. Types of social problems: problems arising from value and norm conflicts, from social structure, from social change, and from social policy
7. Analysis of particular social problems, such as wealth and power distribution, demographic changes, poverty, abuse, addiction, harassment, discrimination, and hate crimes based on race/ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, or social class, violence, crime and justice, environmental problems, global conflict and disasters, mental and physical health, illness and healthcare
8. Solution strategies, including human services, treatment and therapeutic communities, charity, social policy, legal system, voluntarism and community action, education and prevention, scientific research, and social movements.
Competencies and Skills
1. Apply sociological approach and perspectives to a variety of social patterns and processes, specifically related to social problems
2. Hone critical thinking skills regarding the analysis of social problems
3. Observe and identify social problems, definitions of social problems, and responses to social problems
4. Integrate course work with current events and trends through examination of popular and news media.
5. Apply social change theories to historical/contemporary social problems and policies
6. Write and communicate orally in a clear, organized, and effective manner
7. Use varied and effective research resources, techniques, and strategies
8. Develop and refine group process skills, which may include listening, brainstorming, communicating, negotiating, or cooperating on shared tasks.
9. Develop ability to listen to and empathize with diverse perspectives and experiences.
10. Develop and practice active citizenship skills in accordance with principles of democratic and inclusive process, social justice, and ecological sustainability
11. Apply a sociological perspective to the development of policies and actions to alleviate and solve social problems.
12. Identify and locate agencies and resources that respond to social problems.
Approved Texts
There is no standard text used by all instructors of Soc206, but the SACC must approve all required texts.
Supplemental Texts and Materials: Instructor discretion.
Instructional Delivery Mode: This course is approved for classroom, hybrid, and distance modalities.