CCOG for BCT 202D Spring 2025

Course Number:
BCT 202D
Course Title:
Business Principles for Design/Build
Credit Hours:
Lecture Hours:
Lecture/Lab Hours:
Lab Hours:

Course Description

Explores the fundamental business principles and practices used in managing a residential design-build construction company. Includes establishing objectives in marketing, operations and finance, and the relationship between those business activities and the planning and management methods for achieving objectives. Presents the general legal requirements, accounting and record keeping practices. Prerequisites: WR 115, RD 115 and MTH 20 or equivalent placement test scores. Audit available.

Intended Outcomes for the course

Upon successful completion students should be abel to:

? Identify typical business issues and study methods for business decisions and problem solving
? Understand the legal requirements and value of record keeping
? Develop business management forms or checklists for monitoring activities
? Understand how to delegate and assign roles and responsibilities
? Achieve learning objectives on business principles required by the Oregon Construction Contractors Board.

Outcome Assessment Strategies

? Work individually to create a reference manual of business principles with applications in achieving intended learning outcomes.
? Work individually to produce a report that discusses a business management principle and its application to the student's work environment.
? Complete individually an in-class assessment that applies business principles presented to a hypothetical fact pattern of a construction company.
? Work in collaboration with another team member to create and present a business plan for an actual or hypothetical construction company, including vision, mission, and objectives in marketing, operations and finance.

Course Content (Themes, Concepts, Issues and Skills)

? Overview and nature of the business environment for construction; how to determine trends that influence a construction business; benefits in
working with other business professionals like an accountant and banker.
? Adjusting business activities in response to changes in the business environment, regulations or workforce.
? Formation of a business and choosing a business entity; requirements for conducting a construction business in Oregon, including regulations by the
Construction Contractors Board.
? Business performance in achieving objectives; employer's duties and obligations; employee's rights and obligations to perform.
? Understand Oregon employer requirements and employee responsibilities, including wage and hour regulations.
? Understand business practices and methods in record keeping, tax forms and reporting.
? Develop a marketing plan including social networking, benefits of trade associations
? Understand selling in today’s market