CCOG for CADD 136 Winter 2025
- Course Number:
- CADD 136
- Course Title:
- Intermediate AutoCAD
- Credit Hours:
- 3
- Lecture Hours:
- 20
- Lecture/Lab Hours:
- 20
- Lab Hours:
- 0
Course Description
Intended Outcomes for the course
1. Use AutoCAD to alter drawing entities using intermediate editing features.
2. Use AutoCAD to create entities using intermediate drawing features.
3. Create and manipulate AutoCAD block attributes.
4. Create slide files and write AutoCAD scripts.
5. Use the User Coordinate Systems to create 3-D entities.
Course Activities and Design
This course will be presented by means of short lecture/discussion sessions and laboratory projects. Individualized instruction will be provided while the student is working on assigned projects. Open laboratory time will be made available, and may be necessary to complete the given tasks.
Outcome Assessment Strategies
Individual and full class discussion; lab drawing assignments; exams; and final project deliverables may be used to assess outcomes.
Course Content (Themes, Concepts, Issues and Skills)
Themes, Concepts and Issues
- Industrial, manufacturing, mechanical and other drafting technology students must be able to visualize and graphically reproduce complex layouts to succeed in subsequent drafting and design courses.
- Drafting Designers and Engineers need to be able to communicate with each other, and with manufacturing and construction personnel, using graphical representations of physical objects.
- AutoCAD design software is widely used in the drafting technology professions.
- Many drafting graduates enter the workplace by performing computerized graphics manipulations.
Competencies and Skills
The student will be able to:
- Communicate effectively using computerized graphical techniques.
- Demonstrate intermediate to advanced competency using AutoCAD graphics software.
- Create working drawings for use in subsequent drafting courses or within industry.
- Create a portfolio of AutoCAD drawings to demonstrate their abilities.
1.0 Editing Features
- Change the appearance, identity, and functionality of specified entities
- Change properties of entities
- Measure and Divide objects
- Polyline editing
- Extending and Stretching complex entities
2.0 Drawing Features
- Creating and complex objects / shapes
- Utilize polylines with solid filling
- Multiple block insertion techniques
- Using text within a drawing file
- Dynamic text and Multiline text usages
- Review text styles
- Examine system variables affecting text
3.0 Attributes
- Utilize attributes within blocks
- Create attribute definitions
- Control the display of attributes
- Attribute editing from the command line and from a dialogue box
- Extract attributed information
- Methods for extracting attributes
- Analyze a text file that controls attribute output
4.0 Slide Files
- Generate slides from the AutoCAD editor
- Make slide files
- Review saved slides
- Write script files for slide shows, and for establishing a new drawing environment
- Presentations with slides
- Pausing and rescripting slide shows
- The drawing editor and script files
5.0 User Coordinate Systems
- Drawing in the World Coordinate System
- The physical layout of the World Coordinate System
- Plan view and other related views within the World Coordinate System
- Establishing a new User Coordinate System
- Various options and possibilities of user coordinate systems
- Plan view and other related views within user coordinate systems
- The User Coordinate System Icon
6.0 3D Drawing
- 3D object generation
- Drawing entities with elevation and thickness
- User Coordinate System manipulations that control
- 3D shape output 3D faces and polylines
- Editing 3D objects
- Revolved surfaces, Ruled surfaces, Tabulated surfaces, Edge surfaces
- System variables affecting meshes
- Display controls for 3D objects: View points, Dynamic viewing, Zooming, Hidden edges and surfaces
- Viewports
- Paper Space entities