CCOG for CADD 195 Winter 2025

Course Number:
CADD 195
Course Title:
CAD Simulation for Drafters and Designers
Credit Hours:
Lecture Hours:
Lecture/Lab Hours:
Lab Hours:

Course Description

Introduces the design drafter to mechanical CAD simulation software. Covers relevant technical topics by making use of material strength topics in the application of CAD simulation analysis. Emphasizes good design practices for robust and optimized mechanical designs. Prerequisites: CADD 115, (CADD 175 or CADD 185 or ENGR 105 or CADD 155), (MTH 60 or MTH 62) and (RD 90 or IRW 90 or ESOL 250). Audit available.

Intended Outcomes for the course

Upon completion of the course students should be able to:

  1. Apply established mechanical and product design practices to optimize material usage, weight, cost and factor of safety through use of CAD simulation and related generative design AI tools. 
  2. Evaluate a mechanical design and determine if a design has sufficient factor of safety to meet  performance requirements through the use of CAD simulation software.
  3. Analyze a simple mechanical design or system to determine external (input) forces for use in CAD simulation and set up a CAD simulation model accordingly. 
  4. Describe related technical design procedures and terminology  important for collaboration with  engineering and technical product development teams.  

Course Activities and Design

  • Define a force and how forces and reactions establish static equilibrium on a mechanical design. Use graphical CAD techniques to resolve force vectors. 

  • Create a free body diagram of forces on a design for use in developing a CAD simulation model.

  • Identify the center of gravity and centroids of various geometries using CAD.

  • Utilize CAD simulation technologies such as AI generative design and shape optimization to develop robust and efficient designs. 

  • Interpret CAD simulation results and understand the factor of safety results. 

  • Apply various best design practices manually and through AI assistance. 

  • Show an understanding of CAD simulation in a variety of forms through the use of activities that may include exam/quiz problems, design projects, reflections and/or class discussions.

Outcome Assessment Strategies

  • Find the resultant of forces via graphical methods

  • Create a free body diagram (FBD) of a design system showing external forces that can be used in a CAD simulation scenario.  

  • Determine internal stresses and any deformations due to external forces using CAD simulation. 

  • Determine internal stresses and the factor of safety using CAD simulation 

At least two of the following measures should be used:

  • Take-home examinations

  • Graded homework

  • Quizzes

  • Design Projects 

  • In-class activities

  • Portfolios

Course Content (Themes, Concepts, Issues and Skills)


  • Mechanical design and analysis

  • Product optimization and failure prevention

  • Best design practices

  • CAD simulation tools

  • Problem solving

  • Effective communication

  • Critical thinking



  • Determine components (x and y direction) of a vector using CAD 2D graphical techniques via angles and constraints.  Note the directions of the resultant components and how it relates to the equilibrium equation sign convention.  (For example:  sum of forces in x-direction is positive to the right)

  • Draw a free body diagram showing forces acting on a system in equilibrium for systems and rigid bodies.  

  • Compute the moment of a force, forces that form a couple, etc.  Apply units for moments (such as ft-lbs).  

  • Determine the magnitude and location of the resultant loads for uniform and triangular distributed loads.  Divide geometry into simpler shapes (triangles, rectangles) to determine areas for calculations and location for the equivalent force. 

  • Know standard constraints for setting up a CAD simulation model


  • Locate the center of gravity of simple geometries, using  inspection and/or CAD. 


  • Review a stress strain diagram of a typical steel material.  Note the critical points such as elastic limit, proportional limit, yield point, ultimate strength, etc.  Explain why and how these critical points may affect a design under applied loads.  


  • Be able to calculate a torque (moment) given an arm length and force value

  • Apply torque values in CAD simulation models 


  • Using CAD simulation, determine the deflection of a cantilever and simple  supported beam under load. 

  • Identify what factor of safety is appropriate for various designs in different applications (aerospace versus construction).  

  • Use Von Mises equivalent stress to determine if a design meets the factor of safety relative to material strength, availability, cost and space constraints.