CCOG for CG 280A Winter 2025

Course Number:
CG 280A
Course Title:
CE: Career Development
Credit Hours:
Lecture Hours:
Lecture/Lab Hours:
Lab Hours:

Course Description

Students earn credit for learning from practical experience at a worksite related to their major or career goal. Appropriate work experiences provide opportunities for new learning and skill development. May be repeated up to 12 credits.

Addendum to Course Description

Participation in this course benefits students who are:

  1. enrolled in General Studies,
  2. enrolled in a career program that does not offer Cooperative Education,
  3. enrolled in courses leading to a four-year degree or,
  4. in the high school completion program.

Instructor may require CG 280B, Cooperative Education Seminar

Intended Outcomes for the course

Students who successfully complete this course will be able to:
A. Work productively in their chosen career field as they increase personal and professional competencies.
B. Apply classroom skills to the demands of work in their chosen career field.
C. Define skills and competencies developed on-the-job for use in job search and career planning within their chosen career field.
D. Communicate appropriately in the workplace.
E. Continue to explore career opportunities utilizing workplace contacts and resources.

Outcome Assessment Strategies

Students will demonstrate learning outcomes by completing these tasks:

  1. Write learning objectives and identify related activities at the beginning of the placement, with guidance from the work site supervisor and cooperative education specialist.
  2. Consistently work the agreed upon hours and engage in the identified activities.
  3. Develop and submit self-reflection on learning in the work experience through written report, presentation, portfolio or other means appropriate to career field as approved by instructor.
  4. Participate in an end of term evaluation process. Work site supervisors will complete an evaluation of the student's performance and meet with the student and the cooperative education specialist.

Course Content (Themes, Concepts, Issues and Skills)

Competencies and Skills
The following list indicates the skills students will develop by writing learning objectives and as a result of on-the-job experiences.
Identify areas for skill development.

  1. Enhance competencies.
  2. Identify areas for improvement of career relevant attitudes and practices.
  3. Enhance career relevant attitudes and practices.
  4. Broaden and or deepen knowledge of the career field.
  5. Analyze self
  6. Reflect on own learning process
  7. Organize information
  8. Synthesize information
  9. Problem-solve
  10. Make career decisions

Concepts, Themes, Issues
The contextualized networks of meaning students must understand in
order to demonstrate the performance tasks and achieve the outcomes.

  1. Skills/Abilities (Transferable, Adaptive, Task Specific)
  2. Organizational structure of the work site.
  3. Role of the work site in the local, regional or global economy or network of services.