CCOG for DA 120 Winter 2025

Course Number:
DA 120
Course Title:
Dental Radiology I
Credit Hours:
Lecture Hours:
Lecture/Lab Hours:
Lab Hours:

Course Description

Introduces the uses of digital images in dentistry. Includes the history of radiation discovery, biological effects of X-ray in tissues, and safety principles. Includes identification of normal anatomy, and interpretation and identification of pathology seen on an intraoral dental image. Prerequisites: Acceptance in the Dental Assisting program. Corequisites: DA 121.

Intended Outcomes for the course

Upon successful completion of the course students should be able to:

  1. Identify individuals involved in the history of X-ray and X-radiation discovery.

  2. Describe intraoral techniques for digital imaging.

  3. Explain proper infection control and protocols when taking dental images.

  4. Explain protective measures when exposing dental images for both the patient and dental radiographer.

  5. Identify normal anatomy of intraoral images.

  6. Describe the characteristics if X-radiation.

  7. Describe the physics of X-radiation.

  8. Describe the biological effects of radiation on the human body.

  9. Identify dental materials seen on a dental image.

  10. Identify radiographic pathology seen on a dental image using descriptive terminology.

Outcome Assessment Strategies

  1. Quizzes

  2. Midterm

  3. Assignments

  4. Final exam

andards of expected behavior in the classroom and laboratories 

Course Content (Themes, Concepts, Issues and Skills)

Theme, Concepts, Issues and Skills:

  • History of radiography

  • Introduction to normal radiographic landmarks

  • Uses in dentistry

  • Physical properties of x-radiation

  • Generation of x-rays

  • Parts of the x-ray machine

  • Intraoral sensors

  • Safety protocols and radiation safety equipment

  • Intraoral exposure techniques

  • Exposure factors

  • Characteristics of a diagnostic radiograph/image

  • Mounting radiographs

  • Record-keeping

  • Digital radiography

  • Interpretation of normal intraoral radiographic anatomy

  • Interpretation of intraoral radiographic pathology

Related Instruction

Hours: 8

  • Describe the techniques of digitally exposing images on manikins in a safe and effective manner.
  • Describe the techniques of digitally exposing images on patients in a safe and effective manner.

  • Describe and demonstrate the Inverse Square Law.
  • Describe and demonstrate the Maximum Permissible Dose.
  • Describe and demonstrate how to use the correct settings for impulses, milliamperes, kilovolt peak in radiography.