CCOG for DA 121 Winter 2025

Course Number:
DA 121
Course Title:
Dental Radiology I (Lab)
Credit Hours:
Lecture Hours:
Lecture/Lab Hours:
Lab Hours:

Course Description

Provides an opportunity to practice radiographic techniques on manikins, correlating activities to the DA 120 lecture. Prerequisites: Acceptance in the Dental Assisting program. Corequisites: DA 120.

Intended Outcomes for the course

Upon successful completion of the course students should be able to:

1. Demonstrate how to use the correct settings for impulses, milliamperes, and kilovolt peak in radiography.

2. Expose Full Mouth Series (FMS) and Bitewings (BWXs) images on manikins using digital technology in a safe and effective manner.

3. Chart and document according to industry standards.

4. Demonstrate proper infection control protocols.

5. Evaluate images taken throughout the course for diagnostic quality according to Industry standards.

6. Order images in their proper anatomical arrangement in preparation for grading.

Outcome Assessment Strategies

  1. Lab practicals

  2. Quizzes

  3. Comprehensive final

  4. Attendance

  5. Professional industry standards of behavior in the classrooms and laboratories

Course Content (Themes, Concepts, Issues and Skills)

Themes, Concept, Issues, and Skills:

  • History of radiography

  • Introduction to radiographic landmarks

  • Uses in dentistry

  • Physical properties of x-radiation

  • Generation of x-rays

  • Parts of the x-ray machine

  • Use of the manikin

  • Digital sensors

  • Safety protocols and radiation safety equipment

  • Intraoral exposure techniques

  • Exposure factors

  • Characteristics of a diagnostic image

  • Mounting radiographs and images 

  • Record keeping

  • Digital radiography

Related Instruction

Hours: 6

  • Demonstrate the techniques of digitally exposing images on manikins in a safe and effective manner
  • Demonstrate the techniques of digitally exposing images on patients in a safe and effective manner.
  • Demonstrate how to use the correct settings for impulses, milliamperes, and kilovolt peak in radiography.
  • Demonstrate how to chart to industry standards. 

  • Explain the characteristics of a diagnostic dental image.
  • Demonstrate the correct exposure factors to produce diagnostic images using a manikin and patients.
  • Describe and demonstrate how to use the correct settings for impulses, milliamperes, kilovolt peak in radiography.

Hours: 6


  • Expose Full Mouth Series (FMS) and Bitewings (BWXs) images on manikins and live patients, using digital technology in a safe and effective manner.
  • Chart and document according to industry standards.

  • Evaluate and verbalize exposing techniques that are correct and incorrect.
  • Document findings orally and identify corrections if necessary.
  • Document every activity in a practice chart according to industry standards.

Human Relations
Hours: 12

  • Expose Full Mouth Series (FMS) and Bitewings (BWXs) images on manikins and live patients, using digital technology in a safe and effective manner.

  • Direct instruction on patient management techniques while exposing images.
  • Work collaboratively with peers to evaluate and critique dental films.

In addition, continue to build upon team concepts introduced in DA 111:

  • Describe the dental team and the importance of working as a collaborative team member.

  • Demonstrate the ability to work as a dental team member.

  • Provide patient management skills in the clinical setting.