CCOG for DA 121 Summer 2024

Course Number:
DA 121
Course Title:
Dental Radiology I (Lab)
Credit Hours:
Lecture Hours:
Lecture/Lab Hours:
Lab Hours:

Course Description

Provides an opportunity to practice radiographic techniques on manikins, and patients correlating activities to the DA 120 lecture. Prerequisites: Acceptance in the Dental Assisting program. Corequisites: DA 120.

Intended Outcomes for the course

Upon completion of the course students should be able to:

  • Demonstrate how to use the correct settings for impulses, milliamperes, and kilovolt peak in radiography.
  • Expose Full Mouth Series (FMS) and Bitewings (BWXs) images on manikins and live patients, using digital technology in a safe and effective manner.
  • Chart and document according to industry standards.
  • Demonstrate proper infection control protocols.

Aspirational Goals

That all students are able to expose a Full Mouth Series (FMS) of images to industry standards.

Course Activities and Design

  • The activities in this course follow the lectures and class discussions in DA 120. This laboratory class provides the practical applications of radiographic principles and techniques
  • Laboratory applications provide opportunity to practice intraoral radiographic techniques on manikins and live patients. In addition, students practice peer-to-peer placement on one another, using safe and effective techniques - no exposures to x radiation 

Outcome Assessment Strategies

  • Lab practicals
  • Written comprehensive final
  • Attendance
  • Professional industry standards of behavior in the classrooms and laboratories

Course Content (Themes, Concepts, Issues and Skills)

  • History of radiography
  • Uses in dentistry
  • Physical properties of x-radiation
  • Generation of x-rays
  • Parts of the x-ray machine
  • Use of the manikin
  • Intraoral film
  • Digital sensors
  • Safety protocols and radiation safety equipment
  • Intraoral exposure techniques
  • Exposure factors
  • Characteristics of a diagnostic image
  • Exposure errors
  • Mounting radiographs and images 
  • Introduction to radiographic landmarks
  • Record keeping
  • Digital radiography


  • Define the parts of the x-ray machine
  • Describe and use safety protocols and equipment which are required by law
  • Explain and demonstrate the paralleling technique of intraoral exposures on a manikin using various types of film holders
  • Explain the characteristics of a diagnostic dental image and use the correct exposure factors to produce diagnostic images using a manikin and subsequently, live patients
  • Demonstrate the ability to correctly mount radiographs/images for use in diagnosis
  • Identify normal radiographic anatomical landmarks and normal oral conditions on images at an introductory level
  • Identify errors and explain how to correct them
  • Record patient data as required for image identification
  • Demonstrate exposure competency using digital sensors

Related Instruction

Hours: 6

  • Demonstrate the techniques of digitally exposing images on manikins in a safe and effective manner
  • Demonstrate the techniques of digitally exposing images on patients in a safe and effective manner.
  • Demonstrate how to use the correct settings for impulses, milliamperes, and kilovolt peak in radiography.
  • Demonstrate how to chart to industry standards. 

  • Explain the characteristics of a diagnostic dental image.
  • Demonstrate the correct exposure factors to produce diagnostic images using a manikin and patients.
  • Describe and demonstrate how to use the correct settings for impulses, milliamperes, kilovolt peak in radiography.

Hours: 6


  • Expose Full Mouth Series (FMS) and Bitewings (BWXs) images on manikins and live patients, using digital technology in a safe and effective manner.
  • Chart and document according to industry standards.

  • Evaluate and verbalize exposing techniques that are correct and incorrect.
  • Document findings orally and identify corrections if necessary.
  • Document every activity in a practice chart according to industry standards.

Human Relations
Hours: 12

  • Expose Full Mouth Series (FMS) and Bitewings (BWXs) images on manikins and live patients, using digital technology in a safe and effective manner.

  • Direct instruction on patient management techniques while exposing images.
  • Work collaboratively with peers to evaluate and critique dental films.

In addition, continue to build upon team concepts introduced in DA 111:

  • Describe the dental team and the importance of working as a collaborative team member.

  • Demonstrate the ability to work as a dental team member.

  • Provide patient management skills in the clinical setting.