CCOG for DH 236 Summer 2024

Course Number:
DH 236
Course Title:
Ethics & Jurisprudence
Credit Hours:
Lecture Hours:
Lecture/Lab Hours:
Lab Hours:

Course Description

Studies legal restrictions and ethical responsibilities associated with the practice of dental hygiene and dentistry.

Intended Outcomes for the course

Students will demonstrate a knowledge of the legal and ethical values, restrictions and responsibilities associated with the practice of dental hygiene and dentistry in the state of Oregon. The students will achieve a passing score on the Oregon state Ethics and Jurisprudence examination necessary for licensure as a registered dental hygienist in the state of Oregon.

Outcome Assessment Strategies

  • Weekly reading assignments
  • One (1) research paper
  • One (1) midterm examination
  • One (1) final examination
  • Attendance

Course Content (Themes, Concepts, Issues and Skills)

Ethics & Professionalism

  • Professional traits
  • Professionalism
  • Competency
  • Ethical theories
  • Moral reasoning

Ethical Principles & Values

  • Autonomy
  • Informed consent
  • Confidentiality
  • Ethical dilemma

Codes of Ethics

  • ADA
  • ADHA 
  • Hippocratic Oath

Oregon Dental Practice Act

  • Licensure
  • Scope of practice
  • Responsibilities
  • Examination
  • Statutory law

Oregon Board of Dentistry

  • Power & duties
  • Continuing Education requirements for licensure
  • Western Regional Examination Board (WREB)
  • Unacceptable patient care
  • Justice
  • Fraud
  • Patient records

Skills & Competencies:

  1. Describe the role of the dental hygienist in health care and the relationship between the health care provider and the patient.
  2. Discuss basic ethical theory and relate it to personal and professional life.
  3. Describe and discuss the six (6) steps in the Ethical Decision-Making Model.
  4. Identify the categories of ethical dilemmas that a dental hygienist might encounter.
  5. Identify the responsibilities of the three (3) branches of state government in dealing with the state Dental Practice Act.
  6. Describe the general provisions of the Oregon Dental Practice Act.
  7. Explain the licensure provisions of the Dental Practice Act.
  8. Discuss the powers, duties and activities of the Oregon Board of Dentistry.
  9. Discuss the dental hygiene scope of practice allowed in the state of Oregon.
  10. Identify the consequences and penalties of practicing outside the legally defined scope of practice.