CCOG for ED 162 Winter 2025

Course Number:
ED 162
Course Title:
Leadership Through Civic Engagement
Credit Hours:
Lecture Hours:
Lecture/Lab Hours:
Lab Hours:

Course Description

Provides students with the opportunity to hone their leadership skills by participating in activities associated with civic engagement through community service projects and volunteer roles. Students will develop leadership skills by working on meaningful projects that cultivate team work, communication techniques, group dynamics, project management, organization and evaluation. Instructor permission required. Audit available.

Intended Outcomes for the course

•Use and understand the importance of civic engagement, volunteerism, and service in our community to support and advocate for such engagement.
•Use team building skills to work effectively in community service.
•Translate the leadership skills learned by engaging in service and volunteer activities to those needed in the work environment like communication techniques and organization.
•Manage a project from beginning to end.
•Evaluate the success of a service project or initiative.

Course Activities and Design

Each student will be required to read some articles about the concept of servant leadership and civic engagement. A one page reflection paper will be submitted with students synthesizes concepts of civic engagement with servant leadership with the service project they work on during the quarter.
Each student will select a community service project to lead or participate (40 hours).
At the end of the quarter, each student will be required to submit a work log detailing their service with the project and a reflection paper evaluating the project.

Outcome Assessment Strategies

Develop a portfolio of the activities and projects the student worked on during the quarter with their service project.
Write two one page papers that reflect on the topics of servant leadership and civic engagement. The instructor will supply each student those articles.

Course Content (Themes, Concepts, Issues and Skills)

Civic Engagement
Servant Leadership
Group Dynamics
Project Management