CCOG for ED 263 Winter 2025

Course Number:
ED 263
Course Title:
Portfolio Development
Credit Hours:
Lecture Hours:
Lecture/Lab Hours:
Lab Hours:

Course Description

This is a capstone course for the Paraeducator and Library/Media Certificate programs. Students will prepare professional portfolios that demonstrate the competencies they have developed during the program. It may also be taken by others in the field of education who wish to create professional portfolios. Prerequisites: WR 115, RD 115 and MTH 60 or equivalent placement test scores. Audit available.

Intended Outcomes for the course

  • Use a professional portfolio as a vehicle to provide evidence of career-related competencies,
  • Select, describe, arrange, and display appropriate artifacts to enable a reader of the portfolio to interpret them as intended without assistance
  • Prepare and deliver a professional quality oral presentation.
  • Provide constructive feedback to colleagues regarding professional communication
  • Make appropriate adjustments to professional presentations in response to feedback.

Course Activities and Design

The content of this course will be delivered through lecture, analysis of model portfolios, simulation, and class discussion/sharing/critique.

Outcome Assessment Strategies

Student progress will be evaluated and criteria will be developed for assigning a course grade using the following tools:

1. Completion and presentation of a comprehensive portfolio designed to demonstrate the student’s knowledge and skills to date as related to specific program outcomes ;

2. Participation in group and class discussion and activities.

Course Content (Themes, Concepts, Issues and Skills)

Students will:

  • Arrange evidence of personal knowledge and skills related to the field of education in a professional portfolio;
  • Provide feedback to others for improvement of their portfolios and adjust their own portfolios in response to feedback.

Related Instruction

Hours: 60

Based on direct instruction, students:
• Interpret orally or in writing program outcomes and associated rubrics.
• Gather, organize, and select appropriate artifacts to best communicate their proficiency in program outcomes.
• Compose reflective written pieces to accompany artifacts they have selected to demonstrate their proficiency related to program outcomes.
• Provide written or oral rationales for rubric-based ratings given to classmates’ reflective writing as well as suggestions for improvement in presentation or organization.
• Revise writing based on instructor and peer feedback to a professional job-search standard.
• Arrange and order artifacts and reflections to effectively communicate their proficiency related to program outcomes.
• Use organizational techniques (e.g., color coding, consistent formatting) so that their portfolio can be effectively interpreted by a reviewer without the student present.
• Compose an opening statement for their portfolio (which could include a brief biography, professional goals, purpose of the portfolio, and/or an explanation of the organizational structure of the portfolio).
• Plan and/or conduct an oral presentation of their portfolio.
• Evaluate orally and/or in writing their own portfolios based on the program outcomes rubrics as well as organizational and presentational elements.