CCOG for ENGR 221 Winter 2025

Course Number:
ENGR 221
Course Title:
Electrical Circuits I
Credit Hours:
Lecture Hours:
Lecture/Lab Hours:
Lab Hours:

Course Description

Introduces students to basic circuit elements and circuit analysis techniques. Covers Ohm's and Kirchhoff's Laws, network theorems, node voltage analysis and mesh current analysis. Operational amplifiers, inductors, capacitors, RC and RL transient response are also covered. Circuit simulation, math analysis software, and laboratory experiments are incorporated to solidify classroom theory and practice. Recommend: MTH 253 and PHY 213. Prerequisites: ENGR 101; MTH 252. Audit available.

Intended Outcomes for the course

ƽ Apply basic electrical concepts in circuit analysis
ƽ Analyze the functionality of basic circuit elements
ƽ Use a variety of analysis techniques to solve and design basic electrical systems

Outcome Assessment Strategies

Assessment methods are to be determined by the instructor. Typically, in class exams and quizzes, and homework assignments
will be used. Lab work is typically assessed by a lab notebook, formal lab reports, performance of experiments, and possibly a lab

Course Content (Themes, Concepts, Issues and Skills)

1. Circuit Elements and Variables
     a. Voltage, current, resistance
     b. Energy and power
     c. Ideal circuit elements
     d. Independent voltage and current sources
     e. Dependent voltage and current sources
     f. Ohm's and Kirchhoff's Laws
2. Resistive Circuit Analysis
     a. Resistors in series and parallel
     b. Ohm's Law circuit analysis
     c. Examples: bridge circuits, delta and Wye circuits
3. Circuit Analysis Methods
     a. Circuit nodes, branches, and loops
     b. Node voltage method
     c. Mesh current method
     d. Thevenin and Norton equivalent circuits
     e. Superposition method
     f. Maximum power transfer
4. Operational Amplifier Circuits
     a. Ideal op-amp approximations
     b. Voltage controlled voltage source model
     c. Voltage controlled current source
     d. Current controlled voltage source
     e. Current controlled current source
     f. Inverting and non-inverting amplifiers
5. Inductance and Capacitance
     a. Definition and properties of inductance and capacitance
     b. Inductors and Capacitors in series and parallel
     c. Mutual inductance
6. RL and RC Circuit Transient Response
     a. Natural response of RL and RC circuits
     b. Step response of RL and RC circuits