CCOG for ENGR 223 Winter 2025
- Course Number:
- ENGR 223
- Course Title:
- Electrical Circuits III
- Credit Hours:
- 5
- Lecture Hours:
- 40
- Lecture/Lab Hours:
- 0
- Lab Hours:
- 30
Course Description
Intended Outcomes for the course
ƽ Analyze systems in the frequency domain
ƽ Convert electrical systems between frequency and time domain
ƽ Design and analyze various filter topologies
Outcome Assessment Strategies
Assessment methods are to be determined by the instructor. Typically, in class exams and quizzes, and homework assignments
will be used. Lab work is typically assessed by a lab notebook, formal lab reports, performance of experiments, and possibly a lab
Course Content (Themes, Concepts, Issues and Skills)
1. Laplace Transform Circuit Analysis
1. Circuit elements in the s-domain
2. Circuit analysis in the s-domain
3. Mutual inductance in the s-domain
4. AC power in the s-domain
5. Transfer functions
6. Discrete time and continuous time convolution
7. Steady-state sinusoidal response.
2. Filters and Bode Plots
1. Poles and zeros
2. Low-pass and high-pass filters
3. Band-pass and band-reject filters
4. Bode diagrams
3. Fourier Series
1. Fourier series calculation
2. Applications to circuit analysis
3. Exponential form of the Fourier Series
4. Amplitude and phase spectra
4. Fourier Transform
1. Discrete time (FFT) and continuous time Fourier Transform
2. Circuit applications
3. Parseval's Theorem