CCOG for FMT 280A Spring 2025
- Course Number:
- FMT 280A
- Course Title:
- Cooperative Work Experience
- Credit Hours:
- 1-8
- Lecture Hours:
- 0
- Lecture/Lab Hours:
- 0
- Lab Hours:
- 30-240
Course Description
Intended Outcomes for the course
- Obtain a Co-Op position in a real world facility through application and interview.
- Meet the workplace standards of the Co-Op employer.
- Develop a set of goals specific to the Co-Op site and the equipment available at the site.
- Meet the set of goals.
- Meet all industry safety standards and specific facility safety standards.
Course Activities and Design
The student is responsible for interviewing for and finding an acceptable Co-Op site and must register for the number of credits equivalent to the number of hours that he/she will work. The student, site supervisor and FMT instructor develop a set of up to five goals and activities specific to the equipment at that site that the student will accomplish during the Co-Op experience. The student then shadows and works with an experienced technician.
Outcome Assessment Strategies
Assessment is accomplished with a written check list and commentary form filled in by the site supervisor at end of the student’s hours of work. It is reviewed by the Co-Op instructor and the student. A letter grade is then assigned.
Course Content (Themes, Concepts, Issues and Skills)
- Obtain a Co-Op position in a real world facility through application and interview.
- Meet the workplace standards of the Co-Op employer.
- Develop a set of goals specific to the Co-Op site and the equipment available at the site.
- Meet the set of goals.
- Meet all industry safety standards and specific facility safety standards