CCOG for FP 207 Summer 2024

Course Number:
FP 207
Course Title:
Fire Service Based EMS
Credit Hours:
Lecture Hours:
Lecture/Lab Hours:
Lab Hours:

Course Description

Covers fire service based pre-hospital 9-1-1 emergency medical systems based on NFPA 1710, Standard for the Organization and Deployment of Fire Suppression Operations, Emergency Medical Operations, and Special Operations to the Public by Career Fire Departments, Chapters 4 and 5. Prerequisites: WR 121, MTH 65, EMS 106, FP 112.

Addendum to Course Description

There will be a need to have a working knowledge of word processing programs to retrieve and send emails, to create cost worksheets, to generate professional proposals, and presentations.

Intended Outcomes for the course

Upon successful completion, students should be able to:

  • Apply knowledge of the attributes of fire-based emergency medical service systems to their operation.
  • Measure the effectiveness and quality of a pre-hospital fire service based EMS system.
  • Use knowledge of response times and other quality service indicators to ensure timely and effective delivery of emergency medical treatment.
  • Effectively utilize costing and the competitive procurement process in a pre-hospital 9-1-1 emergency medical service system.
  • Apply knowledge of the qualities and duties of the medical director to ensure effective leadership of a fire service based EMS.
  • Envision changes in the pre-hospital 9-1-1 emergency medical service system to plan for them effectively.

Course Activities and Design

The material in this course will be presented in a lecture, demonstration, role playing, and discussion format. Other instructional method may include guest
speakers, research papers, book and journal article reviews, written and oral reports and presentations, classroom simulations and video presentations.

Outcome Assessment Strategies

Methods of assessment may include one or more of the following:

  • Various individual and/or group skill building activities such as role-playing scenario based problem solving activities, case studies, or other exercises geared toward critical analysis of course concepts.
  • Written assignments or oral reports designed to integrate course material into personal experience or experiences of other.
  • Quizzes and exams composed of objective questions and concepts.
  • Individual and /or team projects/s which require integration, application, and critical examination of course concepts, issues, and themes.

Course Content (Themes, Concepts, Issues and Skills)

  • Fire based EMS: A public policy perspective
    • Effect of Public Policy on EMS Systems in the U.S.
      • The 1966 White Papers and Its Effects
    • The Emergency Medical Services Systems Act of 1973
      • Decentralizing EMS Policy: OBRA
  • Effect of EMS Systems on U.S. Public Policy
    • Policies for the Public Good
    • Response times
    • Defibrillation
    • Expanded Scope of Practice
    • Communications
    • Policies to Protect EMS Providers and the system The Ryan White Act
    • Tuberculosis Prevention Guidelines
    • Protection from Privatization
    • Negotiated Rulemaking for EMS Reimbursement
    • Policy Monitoring: A Vision for the Future
    • EMS Agenda for the Future
  • Attributes of Fire Based EMS Systems
    • Determining Community Needs
    • The Chain of Survival and Continuity of Care
    • Dispatch and Communications
    • Staffing and Teamwork
    • Job Performance and Safety, Clinical Competence, and ,job Satisfaction
    • System Review and Evaluation including Cost Effectiveness
  • Measuring Quality and Effectiveness in Pre-hospital EMS Systems
    • Definition of an Emergency Medical Services System
    • Traditional Quality Assurance in Pre-hospital EMS Systems
    • Developing EMS System Quality Indicators and Performance Measures and the reasons for measurable quality indicators
  • Response Time: An EMS System Performance Measure
    • Response Time and What It Is
    • Individual, Average, and Quantile Response Times
    • Measuring Response Times and Why
    • Fire Based Response
  • Pre-hospital Emergency System Costing
    • Cost Effectiveness of Fire Service Based Systems
    • History of Medicare Administration
    • Medicare and Ambulance Reimbursement
    • Plan Development and System Design
    • Staffing Factor Calculation Worksheet
    • Marginal Personnel Requirements Worksheet
    • Worksheets for wages, vehicle and equipment costs, three year balance, and summarization
    • Revenue Projection
  • The competitive Procurement Process in EMS
    • Developing a Request for Proposal
    • Specifications
    • Contact Terms and Conditions
    • The Role of Consultants in Developing RFPs
    • The Bidding Process
    • Final Negotiations and Award Conclusion
  • EMS in Canada
    • Characteristics of Provincial Systems
    • Simultaneous Dispatch-Ontario’s Struggle Conclusion
  • Fire Service Based Program Medical Directors
    • Qualifications
    • Medical Director Responsibilities
  • The Future of EMS: Meeting the Challenge of Change
    • System of Access-The Right Response for the Patient
    • The Impact of Telecommunications
    • Extending the Scope of Practice
    • Industrial Medicine and