CCOG for MM 233 Summer 2024

Course Number:
MM 233
Course Title:
3D Character Modeling and Animation
Credit Hours:
Lecture Hours:
Lecture/Lab Hours:
Lab Hours:

Course Description

Introduces high-end digital sculpting and painting techniques used to create models, normal maps, and layered polygon textures. Develops skills using current industry tools and techniques utilized in professional game asset creation. Prerequisites: MM 232 or instructor permission. Audit available.

Addendum to Course Description

This course will cover the basic concepts and techniques involved with the creation of character models, applying textures, rigging for animation, and animating. By the end of the course the student should understand these and will have had practice using a variety of tools in this process.

Intended Outcomes for the course

Upon successful completion students should be able to:

  • Use industry standard digital sculpting software to create advanced 3D models.
  • Create both realistic and stylized painted texture maps for models.
  • Utilize and demonstrate successful high to low polygon bakes to create normal maps.
  • Produce and present professional textured models.

Course Activities and Design

Course material will be presented in a lecture format. This course is designed to maximize learning through the use of strategies such as outcome based instruction, collaborative learning, contextual application and performance based assessment. Lecture material will consist of discussion, diagrams, multimedia, and other educationally sound practices. Other activities will include hands-on utilization of vector and production software. Demonstration and handout materials will be provided.

Outcome Assessment Strategies

Assessment is designed to indicative achievement of the course outcome and performance tasks. The instructor will outline the methods used to assess student progress and the criteria for assigning a grade at the beginning of the course. Assessment will be based upon a combination of in-class participation, attendance, examinations, and quality of the multimedia project(s). Determination of problem solving skills, team work, and communication skills may also be included.