CCOG for MUS 209 Winter 2025

Course Number:
MUS 209
Course Title:
African-American Music
Credit Hours:
Lecture Hours:
Lecture/Lab Hours:
Lab Hours:

Course Description

Examines the progression of African-American music to the blues. Includes the elements of the blues and the various historical avenues in which it has developed. Study how the blues has inspired and constructed the format of today's music. Prerequisites: WR 115, RD 115 and MTH 20 or equivalent placement test scores. Audit available.

Addendum to Course Description

Mus 209 is the second term of a three term sequence. This course examines the progression of African-American music to the Blues. The class will study the elements of the Blues and the various historical avenues in which it has developed. A study of how the blues has inspired and constructed the format of today's music.

Intended Outcomes for the course

 This course offers the student the opportunity to be exposed to the history, structure and influence of the blues. Upon successful completion of this course, the student will have satisfactorily accomplished the goals and objectives listed in the course content guide. Course content guides are developed by college wide faculty and approved by management.

1.0 The inception of the blues

Instructional Goals

The goal is to trace the birth of the blues from work songs, hollers, streetcries and gospel music. Also to examine how the African influence is maintained in the blues art-form.

1.1 understand how the blues was created

1.2 understand the cultural diversity in the blues

1.3 understand the function of the blues

2.0 Historical progression of the blues

Instructional Goal

The goal is to understand the original format of the blues

The goal is to understand the original format of the blues

2.1 Be familiar with the original construction of the blues to today's format.

2.2 Be familiar with early blues composers and performers to today's artists.

2.3 Understand the performance technique of the blues.

2.4 Be familiar with the African influence in the art-form.

2.5 Understand the European influence in the blues.

3.0 Classifications of the blues

Instructional Goal

The goal is to become acquainted with the two broad categories of the blues: Rural/Country and Urban blues.

3.1 Be familiar with rural blues

3.2 Understand the emergence of classic blues from rural/country blues

3.3 Be familiar with urban blues and its contributions to the big band era.

4.0 Blues from around the U.S.

Instructional Goal

The goal is to become familiar with the various differences in the blues from major "blues centers" around the U.S.


4.1 Be familiar with the differences between the various musical characteristics of the blues from various parts of the U.S.

4.2 Understand the influences that made the differences in the blues from various areas in the U.S.

4.3 Be familiar with the background of various artists that brought about historical and territorial changes in the blues.

5.0 Blues as the Primary Source of a New Art-Form: Jazz

Instructional Goal

The goal is to understand how the jazz art-form was created

5.1 Understand how urban blues became integrated into jazz.

5.2 Be familiar with the introduction of the new instrumentation of instrumental blues.

5.3 Understand how the development of instrumental blues is regarded as the primary source of jazz.

Course Activities and Design

The course will be presented by means of lecture/discussion sessions, demonstrations and audio-visual  components. The class will participate in structured group and individual projects.

Outcome Assessment Strategies

The student's grade will be based on their understanding of course material as demonstrated by:

1. two group projects and one individual project

2. regular attendance is strongly advised to acquire an appreciation of the musical art-forms covered in this course.

Evaluation procedures will be discussed during the first class meeting.