CCOG for SPA 250 Winter 2025

Course Number:
SPA 250
Course Title:
Second Year Spanish
Credit Hours:
Lecture Hours:
Lecture/Lab Hours:
Lab Hours:

Course Description

Continues the work of first year Spanish, reviewing, expanding, and perfecting pronunciation, structure, and vocabulary for the purpose of active communication. Includes practice in reading and writing. Recommended: Completion of first year Spanish at college level or instructor permission. Completion of SPA 250-251 is equivalent to SPA 201-202-203. Audit available. Prerequisites: WR 115, RD 115 and MTH 20 or equivalent placement test scores.

Intended Outcomes for the course

Upon successful completion students should be able to:

1. Handle a limited number of uncomplicated communicative tasks in straightforward social s ituations.
2. Communicate more effectively with some rephrasing and circumlocution with native speakers accustomed to dealing with non-native
3. Further develop discourse to narrate and describe in more detail and length using a variety of time frames and modes with greater
4. Recognize and interpret cultural behaviors and attitudes within the Spanish speaking world in relation to one’s own cultural perspective.
5. Further analyze historical and cultural movements in the target culture in relation to key works of art, literature, music, film and/or
performing arts.
6. Analyze and develop responses to selected authentic materials in the target language.

Course Activities and Design

The student must attend class regularly from the first day when important material is presented.  S/he must come to
 class prepared to participate in all classroom activities,study related material in the textbook and complete take-
home assignments.   The student active participation in small groups and frequent responses during class time are
considered necessary in order to master the material presented, therefore volunteer oral responses and risk
taking are expected from each student.  For each hour of class, the student should plan on one-half to one hour of outside study and preparation.  Since coursework is structured and sequential, class attendance is mandatory and any absences will have a negative effect on the final grade.

After the introduction to the course, Spanish will be used in the classroom at all times.

Outcome Assessment Strategies

Beginning with the first day of class, regular attendance is required to achieve a passing grade.  The final course
grade will be determined by attendance, active participation in class, punctually completed written
assignments and the student's general skill level in Spanish at the end of the term.